Turkey - calorie content

Before those who want to lose weight, the most urgent question is what you can eat and what you should refuse. If the products of plant origin are more or less clear, then with products of animal origin during diets should be careful.

A good product for a diet is a turkey. Her dietary meat almost does not contain fat, so it does not threaten with excess kilograms. Low caloric content of turkey, lack of carbohydrates and minimal cholesterol make it an authorized product not only during dieting for weight loss, but also during dietary diets. Turkey meat is easily digested and does not cause allergic reactions, therefore it is recommended to use it for pregnant and lactating women, and also for children, and from infancy (as a complementary food).

Caloric value of turkey

Useful and low-fat turkey meat is recommended to eat in small amounts during diets. Caloric content of a turkey is lower than that of pork or chicken, except for chicken breast. Caloric content of turkey meat along with the peel is about 200 kcal per 100 g. Caloric content of turkey with vegetables on the grill will be 110 kcal. The caloric content of the boiled turkey depends on what it was prepared with and without the skin.

Almost all turkey meat contains a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats. The exception is the skin and fatty parts of the carcass. Most of the calories of turkey are in proteins.

The least quantity of calories falls on the breast of turkey without skin. The breast does not have fat at all, but consists of water, protein and nutrients. The calorie content of the turkey breast is more than two times lower than the rest of the turkey, and is 84 kcal per 100 g. The same caloric value and at the boiled breast.

Caloric content of turkey fillet in 100 grams varies from 104 to 115 kcal. If the fillet is cooked on the grill, then its caloric content will increase to 120 kcal. And if boiled, we will get all 130 kcal.

If from a turkey to make dietary cutlets with the addition of onions, eggs, herbs and fragrant herbs and cook them for a couple, then one cutlet will contain about 60 kcal. Fried in butter cutlets become more caloric and contain 140 kcal already.

Dietary product is baked turkey.

Low calorie turkey and a large amount of protein allow you to eat meat during a diet, get the necessary nutrients, do not feel hunger , but do not accumulate fat.