Carriages for twins "locomotive"

Any mom to choose a stroller for crumbs is responsible. After all, this thing will have to be used on a daily basis. Those mothers and fathers who were fortunate enough to become parents of twins, make this acquisition even more difficult. Because they need to take into account a number of other factors. One of the options that modern manufacturers offer, are stroller for twins "locomotive".

Features & Benefits

In these carriages children are placed one after another. Such models have the following advantages:

But when buying, remember that the models have different lengths. Parents should measure the length of the elevator in advance so that the stroller can safely enter it. After all, otherwise, Mom may face an unexpected problem. She will have to carry the kids in the freight elevator, and in case of his absence, take the stairs himself. If the apartment has a small hallway, then you should also measure it to make sure that the stroller fits in it.

Also to the disadvantages of the stroller can be attributed the fact that during the movement of the mother does not see the second crumbs.

Carriages for twin "locomotive" can be used for newborns, as well as for older children. For the smallest on the chassis, cradles are installed and each baby sleeps in its own place.

For older children, you can buy a stroller "trains" for twins. In this case, it is possible that the installation of seats can be carried out only one after another. It should be noted that these models will not allow to decompose the front block to a recumbent state, which can create certain inconveniences. But there are options that suggest the possibility of securing the seats so that the children are located, turning around each other faces. It's also convenient because the kids can communicate with each other during the walk.

In stores you can find compact and comfortable stroller-sticks "locomotive" for twins. They are easy to add and move.

There are also model-transformers. They can be used for twins from birth and for a long time. Thanks to a special mechanism and equipment, the chassis can be fixed at the beginning of the cradle for the newborn, later on, the walking blocks for the grown up children are used.