Child 10 months does not sleep well at night

Even a grown up baby needs a calm and prolonged night's sleep. But what if the child, who is already 10 months old, does not sleep well at night and constantly requires your attention? After all, he needs a mother who is at least a little rested and full of strength, and not exhausted by constant awakenings. Therefore, we will consider why a child at the age of 10 months often wakes up at night.

Possible causes of nocturnal awakenings

If you heard the little boy restlessly tossing and whimpering, there is nothing left but to get out of bed. Sometimes a child in 10 months wakes up at night every hour, and next morning you feel terrible fatigue. Sleep and wakefulness disorders are possible in the following cases:

  1. If you still have not given up lactation and breastfeed, or have included too many dishes on cow's milk in his menu. Often a child at 10 months often wakes up at night because of colic, because the activity of his gastrointestinal tract has not fully recovered. Discomfort and pain make your child notify you about this at times with a very loud cry.
  2. The artificial kid often suffers from pains in the abdomen with poor assimilation of the infant formula. Therefore, if the child is always crying at night for 10 months, consult a pediatrician: it may be necessary to change the type of baby food.
  3. Sometimes this can be an allergy. The introduction of new dishes into the diet, which contain salicylates (nutritional supplements, some vegetables and fruits), sometimes leads to similar problems. In the case when the baby 10 months too often wakes up at night, try to exclude from his menu some foods and observe the reaction.
  4. Children are very sensitive to the regime of the day, so try not to violate it. Feed the crumb at a certain time, provide him with sufficient physical activity, offering all the new games, walk more often. But before going to sleep, excitatory factors should be eliminated, otherwise you will come across the fact that the child even wakes up at night and wept bitterly.
  5. Your son or daughter at this age strongly react to any changes in the life of the family. Moving, frequent quarrels of parents, resettlement in their own crib bring some chaos to the established small world of crumbs, which can not but affect the state of the nervous system of the baby. Therefore, if a child screams at night for 10 months, be very patient and pay him a lot of attention during the day so that he feels protected.