Sweating in newborns

Sweating in newborns is a fairly common problem that almost all young mothers face. It appears in the form of small pink spots, pimples on the background of hyperemic skin. Often, mothers confuse such manifestations with an infection or an allergic reaction, tk. Do not know how it usually looks like a newborn baby.

Why does a baby have a perspiration?

The appearance of sweating in a newborn is nothing more than a manifestation of the immaturity of its thermoregulatory system. So, for example, when the baby is pretty warmly dressed in cold weather, the sweat glands try to allocate as much sweat as possible to cool the overheated body. Part of the secreted fluid is not released outward due to the presence of impaired patency of the sweat glands. As a result, the skin becomes irritated and acquires a bright pink color. Then, after a while, small rashes appear on it, which are a manifestation of sweating. Quite often, sweating occurs during a baby's illness. When the temperature rises, the body emits a lot of sweat to cool the surface of the body.

The most common manifestations of sweating are localized in the folds, as well as the scalp, upper back and chest. In some cases, rashes appear on the buttocks. In such a situation, the reason for everything is a diaper.

A characteristic sign of sweating is that the rashes do not become larger with time and quickly disappear. It is this fact that puts an end to the doubts of moms, about whether an allergy or a sweating in newborn babies.

How to cure a swab of a newborn?

Everyone knows that irritated skin is quite attractive to harmful microorganisms. Proceeding from this, it is very important to cope as soon as possible with this disease. Therefore, many mothers think about how best to treat a newborn's chicken and how to treat it.

Especially important in the treatment of sweating is the hygiene of the skin. Excellent help to cope with the ailment of a bath with herbs, such as a turn, chamomile. It is not superfluous to be wiped with the use of these herbs, if the disease falls on a warm season. To prepare such a decoction, only 6 table spoons of grass are counted per 1 liter of boiling water.

It also perfectly copes with the manifestation of sweating and a weak solution of manganese, which slightly dries the skin. Its color should be light pink.

From medicinal preparations at a drop in a newborn the ointment Bepanten perfectly helps. It is used according to the instructions in the absence of contraindications. Therefore, before using, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

All of these remedies help to get rid of the sweats that can often occur in a newborn baby.

How to prevent a disease?

Prevention of sweating in newborns is a very important point in preventing the development of skin diseases. Particular attention should be paid to the clothes of the baby. All of it should be made entirely of natural material, which is cotton.

To avoid occurrence of an illness numerous creams on a natural basis will help. In this case, do not lubricate the skin with plenty of cream, a small amount. Particular attention should be paid to skin folds.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor the temperature of the air in the room in which the baby is constantly. The optimal is +20.

Daily bathing of the baby in the summer is also an excellent way to prevent the appearance of sweating in the baby.

Thus, a young mother, knowing what to do, if a newborn suddenly had a fever, can quickly cope with such a disease.