Varieties of tomatoes resistant to late blight

Phytophthorosis , which is also known as "brown rot", is one of the most serious diseases that truck farmers face when growing tomatoes. This disease affects all parts of the plant, including fruits, so more people choose tomato varieties resistant to phytophthora. In general, the most resistant to late blight tomatoes are hybrids. In this material, we will analyze which varieties tolerate this disease best.

Are there tomatoes that do not get sick?

At once it is necessary to note that 100% of all tomato varieties resistant to late blight can not be. However, there really are hybrid varieties of tomatoes that are much more resistant to phytophthora than others. But this is only one of the options. The second option is that early varieties are planted, which manage to harvest before the epidemic begins. After all, as is known, the development of this harmful fungus on plants is served by hot, humid weather, which begins in late July-August. Therefore, many choose exactly those varieties that yield up to this time. Now let's talk more about what kinds of tomatoes are not so much afraid of phytophthors.

Tomato varieties resistant to phytophthora

Among all varieties of tomatoes, which are most resistant to late blight, I would like to mention "Dubok" or "Dubrava", as they are also called some gardeners. It even happened that the bushes of this variety remained perfectly healthy when others perished from the disease. Not a bad immunity to phytophthora is also the tomato "De Barao Black", often this variety is not sick at all. Among low-growing tomatoes resistant to phytophthora, it is worth noting the grade "Gnome". These fruits ripen early, so they are sick less often than others. The tomato variety "Tsar Peter" is also very fond of gardeners for the fact that it is rarely subjected to this disease, despite the fact that it is considered to be the middle-ripe. Among cold-resistant varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to late blight, it is necessary to note "Metelitsa". Despite the fact that they mature quite late, they are rarely prone to the disease because of this fungus. In this section, only those varieties from which seeds can be obtained for planting for the next year or, more simply, not hybrid, are listed. The next section will be fully devoted to artificially cultivated agronomists varieties of tomatoes. Immediately need to say that these varieties were derived initially as resistant to this disease, so they are less prone to phytophthora than those presented above.

Hybrid varieties

What tomatoes are not so afraid of phytophthora, like others? Well, of course, hybrid! After all, when they were removed, this disease was taken into account, bringing to the ideal what Mother Nature had once created. Let's start with "Soyuz 8 F1", it is very resistant to this dirty fungus and a number of other diseases, which distinguishes it among many. The next grade that I want to mention is "La-la-F1 F1". These tomatoes are a good way to resist the phytophthora. In addition, they are not exposed to yet another dangerous disease of tomatoes - vertex rot. A special mention deserves a grade "Skylark F1". These tomatoes, in addition to their resistance to this disease, also ripen very early, leaving no phytophthora a single chance. But, as you know, if the phytophthora did not attack the plant during growth, it does not mean that the fruits will not suffer even when stored. One of the varieties, the fruits of which are not susceptible to this disease with prolonged storage, is the "New Year F1".

But, if not cool, even these varieties sometimes fall ill, so the only effective protection of your crop from this disease is timely treatment with fungicides. In combination with planting varieties that are resistant to phytophthora, it gives high chances for a large and healthy crop.