Female labia

In the structure of the reproductive system of women it is customary to allocate external and internal genital organs. Internal includes the uterus with appendages, and to the outside - the female labia, the vestibule, the clitoris. At the same time it is anatomically decided to distinguish also types of female labia - large and small.

What kind of structure does the labia have?

Large female labia are skin folds that have a rich subcutaneous fat layer and venous plexuses. Their main role is to limit the sex gap. It is the data of education that prevent the penetration of the infection into the internal sex organs.

In the structure of the female labia, it is also common to separate the Bartholin glands, which are localized at the border of 1 and 2 of their thirds. In front and behind the lips are joined together by means of a spike (anterior and posterior lip adhesion). On both sides large cover small labia, and their outer surface is covered with hair.

Small female labia is a fairly thin skin folds. They are located directly under the big ones. The anterior edge of each of the lips is split in the front, forming 2 legs, which then merging over the clitoris, form its foreskin. The back legs of small lips form a so-called frenum of the clitoris.

The clitoris is nothing else but a rudimentary analog of the male penis. Therefore, with sexual arousal, this education becomes elastic, increases in size, filling with blood.

Under the vagina vestibule is a small space, which is restricted from above by the clitoris, from the sides - small labia, from below and from behind - by their adhesions. The bottom of the vestibule is the hymen, which is essentially a connective tissue membrane that delimits the external genital organs from the internal ones.

What diseases are most often affected by the labia?

Having dealt with how the female labia look, let's look at the most common diseases that affect them.

Vulvovaginitis - perhaps the most common disease of the external genitalia. It is nothing but an inflammation of the small and large labia. In this case, women observe an increase in size, redness and swelling in the labia, which become painful to the touch. The reason for the development of this disease is, first of all, a violation of the rules of intimate hygiene.

Also quite often on labia there are furuncles which represent rashes, arising as a result of development of an infection. This type of formation is observed in most venereal diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea. With a blockage of the sebaceous glands located on the labia, a cyst can develop.

In addition to the above listed diseases, the labia are often involved with venereal, fungal infections. So, for example, with candidiasis, because of the rapid growth of the fungus, the itching of the labia is observed, which causes a great discomfort to the woman.

Thus, large and small lips that belong to the external genital organs perform, first of all, a protective function, preventing the penetration of infections and pathogenic microorganisms. It is the data of education that in most cases take a "blow" upon themselves, blocking the way pathogens of diseases. That is why, it is very important to observe their hygiene, spending a toilet of external genitals daily. After all, any disease is a little easier to prevent than to treat later.