Cauliflower - cultivation

Cauliflower is an annual plant. It has won great popularity among amateur agronomists due to its useful properties: it includes vitamins such as folic acid , potassium , calcium, vitamin C. Therefore, many people try to grow it on their personal plot.

Since cauliflower is an early-ripening plant, it is necessary to strictly observe the conditions of its cultivation.

Cauliflowers: Growing and Care

The following varieties of cauliflower are distinguished by the duration of ripening:

Cauliflower is a photophilic culture. However, you should protect the plant from direct sunlight, otherwise its heads will spoil. To get quality heads they need to be sheltered. There are three ways to do this:

Because of the weakness of the root system, cauliflower is demanding on the soil: it grows well in neutral or slightly acidic earth. Best of all, it grows on loam or in soil with a high content of humus.

Cauliflower loves water and does not tolerate drought. Therefore, it must be watered regularly. Immediately after watering, the soil is loosened. In hot weather, it is necessary to spray the leaves of the plant to reduce the temperature near them. In this case, if the ambient temperature is above 35 degrees, spraying is carried out every 15 minutes.

Cauliflower: growing from seeds

Cultivation of cauliflower requires the preparation of land: seedlings should be planted in a soil mixture consisting of peat, sand and turf.

In order for the seeds to germinate, it is necessary to keep the temperature of the environment at 2-5 degrees and sprinkle the soil with water. Early sorts begin to be sown in early March, late varieties - in April.

The field of how the seeds germinated, the temperature regime is maintained at 20-25 degrees. As soon as the first shoots appeared, it is lowered to 10 degrees.

After a week, the temperature in sunny weather should be 17 degrees, in cloudy time - 14 degrees, at night - 9 degrees. If the ambient temperature is above 20 degrees, this will lead to an early formation of the heads.

At the age of 14 days, sprouts are seeded.

Approximately two weeks before planting the seedlings in the open ground, one must begin to temper the plant in order to accustom it to wind, temperature and sunlight.

Early varieties of cauliflower planted in early May, late varieties - May 10-20.

The distance between the plants on the bed should be 1 cm, between the furrows - 3 cm.

Ten days after the seedlings are planted in the ground, it is necessary to make the first fertilizing: nitrofoska and mullein are suitable as fertilizers. The second feeding is carried out two weeks after planting. By this time, the first cabbage head, the size of a walnut, usually appears. Another 10 days later they make the third feeding.

You can arrange the cultivation of cauliflower in a greenhouse. It is important to maintain the optimum level of humidity and temperature in it to avoid spilling cabbage heads. In early February, they make seedlings from seeds of early varieties. And already in the beginning of April they make a landing in the greenhouse. If there is no greenhouse, then it is possible to plant the seeds in the open ground and cover with a polyethylene film.

Cultivation of cauliflower in a non-seedlings way promotes faster growth of the plant and early formation of the heads. The technology of cultivation of cauliflower from seeds is the same as when planting seedlings in open ground.

Cauliflower is a product not only useful, but also delicious. However, it is very demanding of environmental conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of growing cauliflower:

With full respect for all conditions of cultivation and care, sometimes even experienced gardeners may have setbacks. To successfully grow cauliflower in your garden it is important to follow the recommendations for its cultivation.