Depression during pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy is common among modern women, and according to statistical data, the situation worsens every year. Despite the active efforts of physicians to draw attention to this problem, for most people it remains incomprehensible the difference between depression in pregnant women and the usual state of emotional instability in the period of gestation.

Few people understand that depression during pregnancy is a disease requiring treatment. Such ignorance can have serious consequences for both mother and baby. Such depression can lead to a delay in mental development, nervous disorders, disruption of the organs in the child and to severe psychosis in the mother. And that the expectation of the baby was not overshadowed by such phenomena, it will not be superfluous to know in advance what constitutes depression in pregnant women, and how to cope with it.

The causes of depression during pregnancy

Depression in pregnancy is considered a disease in the event that depression, depression, apathy, attacks of unreasonable fear and anxiety, and other negative emotional states do not pass more than two weeks. In medicine, depression during pregnancy is called perinatal, varies in terms of severity and causes of appearance. The causes can be external and internal, as well as may be due to the state of health. Therefore, in the first place, it is necessary to exclude diseases that cause hormonal disorders and depressive conditions.

Depression in pregnant women often occurs before childbirth. The reason may be fear of being a bad mother, a feeling of unpreparedness for motherhood. If in the past there were unsuccessful attempts to give birth to a child, then this too can contribute to the development of depression.

Not properly cured depression after a stiff pregnancy, also may affect the mental state of a future mother in subsequent pregnancy.

Treatment of depression in pregnant women

As a rule, the treatment consists in psychotherapy, and, if necessary, medication can be prescribed. But treatment of depression during pregnancy is possible only if a woman or relatives realize the presence of a problem, which is extremely rare. More often than not, women feel guilty for their emotions, because in society the opinion is widespread that pregnant women should enjoy and be happy almost all the time. Therefore, they try to suppress emotions, which only aggravates the situation. Moreover, in a state of depression, the more intensified hormonal changes, a woman simply can not critically assess the situation. In this state, the perception of what is happening changes significantly, even small troubles acquire catastrophic proportions.

To see the problem on the other hand and find ways to solve it, to realize the baselessness of fears, or to find ways to overcome them in this state is simply impossible. After getting out of depression, a woman will be surprised for a long time, how could she be so upset about trifles, but this will be possible only after recovery. And awareness of the seriousness of the situation is the first step to recovery.

Treatment of depression in pregnant women follows the same pattern as treatment of other types of depressive disorders. But if there is no possibility to turn to a good psychologist, then a woman will have to go out of depression herself. In such cases it is very often recommended to find an interesting lesson, communicate more and generally do something to distract. But for all this, you need strength, desire and enthusiasm, which is impossible in a state of depression. Therefore, in the first place, you need to draw up a schedule of health-improving procedures that improve the physical condition. Regardless of your mood, you need to start classes. It can be yoga, swimming in the pool, breathing exercises, jogging or long walks in the fresh air. Anything that increases the level of oxygen in the blood, helps to overcome depression.

Particular attention should be given to nutrition. A banal lack of vitamins can lead to all the same depression during pregnancy. Overeating also has a negative effect on the mental state. In addition, it is required to avoid negative information by any means. Improving the physical condition will increase the level of energy, which will lead to an improvement in the emotional state. Then it will be easier to independently understand the causes of depression, and find suitable methods for overcoming it.

A woman and her family should understand that depression is not a whim. Such states are conditioned by the ongoing chemical processes, and any accusations, resentments or reproaches in these situations are absolutely inappropriate.
