Borscht - a classic recipe for a rich and delicious first course

Borsch, a classic recipe of which still causes many disputes, originated in the 14th century and is still considered the culinary heritage of the entire Slavic people. The dish on a strong broth with a rich color and taste, collected from a simple food basket, varied in dozens of versions, each of which is surprisingly good.

Ukrainian borscht - a classic recipe

The lot of the popular dish is hundreds of variations, filled with the taste peculiar to the area. Borscht is a product of Ukrainian cooking, and therefore has certain special features in cooking: rich meat broth, high-quality vegetables and aromatic dressing, thanks to which everyone is guaranteed to get a plate of nourishing hot.

  1. Before you prepare a classic borsch, cook a broth of beef brisket and brain bones.
  2. Required vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots and beets. The latter is stewed with vinegar and a pinch of sugar.
  3. Tomato paste languishes separately and is introduced into borsch, like beets, after the readiness of all components.
  4. Borsch, a classic recipe, suggests seasonings: black pepper, pounded with lard garlic, greens and sour cream.

Classic recipe for borsch with beets

The vegetable, thanks to which hot has a rich red tint and, as many believe, influenced the name of the dish with its brown color - beets - an important component of the base. It is prepared in a variety of ways, but the most important is the addition of vinegar when extinguishing. The product retains color and affects the color of the hot.



  1. Cook the meat broth.
  2. Onions and carrots fry.
  3. Before correctly cooking borsch with beets, grate it, add sugar, vinegar and put out.
  4. Place the potatoes, cabbage and broth in the broth.
  5. Add the pasta and dressings.
  6. Borsch, a classic recipe, involves refueling of lard and garlic.

Borsch with chicken - a classic recipe

Borsch with chicken is a popular variant of hot, popular in many families. There are enough reasons for veneration: accessibility of chicken meat, low cost, broth cooking speed and its high nutritional value. These facts contribute to creating a dish for an hour, which is important for many.



  1. Cook the broth, put the cabbage and potatoes.
  2. Fry onions and carrots.
  3. Beet sugar, mix with pasta and put out.
  4. Add the dressing and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Borscht chicken - a classic recipe, requiring insisting for half an hour.

How to cook a delicious beef soup?

Borsch with beef is a time-tested classic, thanks to which the dish has acquired various options. The pledge of delicious hot - a rich, clear broth and just beef makes it that way. The vegetable base can change, and this recipe serves as a confirmation. Absence of potatoes is fully compensated by nutritious meat.



  1. Cook the broth.
  2. Vegetables stew with mashed potatoes, vinegar and sugar, add cabbage.
  3. Fill with broth and cook.
  4. Borscht meat is a classic recipe, so serve it with pieces of beef.

How to cook a delicious borsch with pork?

Borsch with pork will make the company lovers of high-calorie and rich dishes. Adhering to the classic recommendations, you should choose a fat part of the carcass - ribs. Welded for an hour, they will add the broth of the fortress and perfectly shade the sweet and sour beetroot refueling. Vegetables will give densities, and the abundance of greenery will freshen hotter.

Ingredients :


  1. Boil the broth, chop the meat.
  2. Cut the vegetables into strips.
  3. Put the potatoes, cabbage, carrots, fried beetroot juice.
  4. Add the tomatoes and grill the borscht classic for 15 minutes.

Borsch with vinegar - a classic recipe

Borsch with vinegar is a recipe allowing not only to preserve the original color of the beet, but also to give it a special texture during extinguishing: soft outside and hardly crunchy inside. Refueling based on vinegar and sugar reflects not only the color of the dish, but also on the taste. Sweet and sour hot piquant with hot garlic.



  1. Put the potatoes in the broth.
  2. Beetroot and carrots fry, season with pasta, garlic, vinegar, sugar.
  3. Add the cabbage, dressing and cook.

Lenten soup - a classic recipe

The recipe for lean borsch with beets will please not only vegetarians and adherents of a healthy diet, but also economical housewives. Dietary hot, created in half an hour from financially affordable products, does not differ in appearance and taste from traditional recipes, perfectly nourishes, easily replacing a full dinner.



  1. Put boiled potatoes and cabbage into the boiling water.
  2. Before cooking borsch with beets, fry it and carrots, adding sugar, vinegar and tomatoes.
  3. Connect the dressing with the vegetables and cook.

Cold borscht - classic recipe

Cold borscht - an indispensable option in hot weather. Colorful and refreshing, it diversifies the summer menu and will be worthy of competition okroshke. Created on a similar principle, the dish is essentially different liquid beet base, giving a special taste and color. The remaining components are not constant and vary according to preferences.



  1. Ready-made eggs, potatoes, sausage and cucumbers slice.
  2. Tender the beetroot with vinegar, pour in water and cook.
  3. Cool and connect the products.

Borsch with beans - a classic recipe

Add the density and satiety hot can with beans. To ensure that the dish does not lose its texture and maintain its integrity, before cooking borsch with beans , soak it for a couple of hours and then, according to the recipe, cook with meat. In the case of ready-made broth, beans are cooked separately and laid with traditional vegetables.



  1. Put into the broth potatoes, cabbage and beans.
  2. Carrots and beets fry with pasta.
  3. Enter the dressing in the broth and cook for 15 minutes.