Ointment from the smell of the feet

Every person on his feet is inhabited by a lot of bacteria and there are many sweat glands. That's why sometimes they give off an unpleasant smell. Cope with this problem is quite simple. You can use medicinal baths or treat feet with folk remedies. But the special ointment helps with the smell of the feet.

Effective ointments from the smell of feet

In the majority of ointments against the smell of the legs, there are tannins. They dry the skin and reduce sweating. Another component of such drugs can be any bactericidal substance. It reduces the number of bacteria that cause the appearance of unpleasant odors. But which ointment helps with the smell of the feet best? Consider the most effective drugs.


Ointment, which has antimicrobial activity and reduces sweating. It also has a preventive effect on the foot fungus. The unpleasant smell disappears literally a couple of days after the use of Formagel. Apply it once a week. After completely absorbing the ointment feet should be washed with water.

Ointment from the smell of Teymurov's feet

In the composition of this remedy there is talc, boric acid , zinc oxide and borax, zinc oxide. It is an excellent antiseptic, excellent drying and disinfecting. To rub this ointment it is necessary during days before a dream. It can not be used only if you have erosion, cracks and various acute inflammatory processes.

Zinc ointment from the smell of feet

This ointment perfectly deodorizes the skin of the legs. This tool not only protects from excessive sweating, but also helps to remove itching and soften the skin. You can use the ointment for 5 days daily.

Ointments from the smell of feet with natural composition

Are you a supporter of natural cosmetics? There is a huge amount of ointments to remove the smell of feet with natural composition. One of the most popular means of this group is DEO-control. In this ointment there is lavender and tea tree oil, which provide a good antiseptic effect. Also in it there are vitamins, cocoa and shea butter . These substances help in skin care and prevent the reproduction of bacteria.

Well cope with the unpleasant odor of the legs of ointment Chistostop Deo and the People's Healer. They differ in their natural composition, which promotes stimulation of micro-exchange in cells, elimination of various inflammations and possesses deodorizing and astringent action.