How to prepare an escalope?

Escalope is a fried without breading a hunk of chopped meat of round shape. With the right preparation, the dish is juicy and incredibly tasty. The key to success is well-warmed oil during frying, as well as observance of certain subtleties of cooking. Do not salt and use spices before fully frying, at least, one side of the escalope. It is also very important to maintain a distance when placing slices of meat in a frying pan, they should not come in contact with each other to avoid premature separation of juices.

How to cook a juicy pork skewer in a frying pan?



Washed and dried pork loin is cut into round slices with a thickness of one to one and a half centimeters and, covering with a film, we beat off to a thickness of about five millimeters. We lay the meat pieces on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil at a certain distance from each other. We hold the escalope on high heat for three minutes, only now we grease it, rub it with ground black pepper and immediately turn it over to the other side, which is also salted and peppered.

After two or three minutes, we put a delicious juicy escalope on a plate and can serve.

How delicious to cook an escalope of pork in the oven?



Prepared properly pork loin is cut into round pieces about a half centimeter thick and beat off from both sides, covering with a film. The total thickness of the meat should be about five millimeters.

In the bowl, beat the egg with salt and pepper, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil, crackers, chopped garlic, passed through a medium or small grater cheese, and mix.

Each meat slice is savored with salt and pepper and browned in red-hot vegetable oil for one minute from each side. Then place the pieces on a baking sheet and lay out on each of them a table spoon of the prepared filling.

We send the escalopes with the filling in a preheated to 210 degrees oven for ten minutes or until the desired browning.