Lentil soup soup

Lentils are a very useful kind of edible legumes. It is an excellent protein product, containing, among other things, vegetable fiber. And this means that from lentils you can prepare delicious lenten dishes, including soups.

So go to the store or to the bazaar and choose a good lentil of any kind and color, which is more like it. It should be noted that lentils of different varieties (usually different in color) are cooked until ready at the same time, but in any case, it is cooked from 20 to 60 minutes (we will determine the readiness by experience, that is, to taste).

How to cook lean soup from lentils?

It is definitely better to boil the lentils separately and, perhaps, to wash (to avoid possible strengthening of flatulence), and then add the rest.

Lenten diet soup with lentils, potatoes and mushrooms - recipe



Soak lentils for 20 minutes in steep boiling water, then rinse, pour clean water and cook until ready in a spacious saucepan.

In a separate saucepan cook for 20 minutes carrots chopped mushrooms and potatoes (water should not more than 1.5 liters, but less). Add spices. In fact, this is already vegetable soup.

Once the lentils are ready, rinse it with boiled water (or do not wash) and combine it with vegetable soup from the second pan. Pour a little olive oil, if you want - season the soup with 2 tablespoons of tomato paste.

We add chopped greens and garlic. Let the soup brew for 10 minutes under the lid.

We serve with coarse dietary loaves.

Lentil soup puree - Indian style recipe



Lentils steamed with boiling water, washed, cooked (broth poured into a separate pot).

Pumpkin flesh, sweet pepper and fennel we cut finely and wessed until soft in a frying pan in lean oil with curry and tomato added. We cool this mixture, add a little juice of lemon and water.

Ready lentils, garlic and pasted in a frying pan, bring the blender to a state of homogeneity. If the consistency is too thick, add a little decoction of the lentil.

Ready-made warm soup is poured into serving cups, sprinkled with chopped herbs and sesame seeds. Such a lean soup of lentils is served with a fresh plain flat cake or lavash .

Lenten soup of green lentils with aubergines - a recipe in the Pan-Asian style



Lentil steamed with boiling water twice and washed, then cook until ready, the broth should not be drained.

Eggplants cut into cubes, hold in cold water for 10 minutes and fold in a colander.

Heat sesame oil strongly in a frying pan. Fry eggplants with stirring and shaking the pan periodically. Add chopped large tomatoes and spices. Reduce the fire and put it out.

Combine eggplants with lentils, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Season the soup with soy sauce. You can serve with rice koloboks or barley cakes.