Slag-free diet

To begin with, we will understand the term, which we are afraid of folk healers from the pages of printed publications and TV screens. In medicine and science, such a term as "slag" does not exist at all. All that remains for physicians is to guess that under slags people mean not derived products of disintegration in the intestines or toxins .

Note that excretion of feces is a direct duty of the intestine. If he can not cope with it, we must change the daily diet. If it is a question of toxins, it is necessary to specify their location deep in the tissues. There, where the action of no diet will not reach. From toxins are cleaned in a hospital by complex, modern manipulations.

One thing is obvious - the creators of a slag-free diet are referring to the cleansing of the body. For this cleaning they offer the following list of products:

That's the whole menu of a slag-free diet. Of course, one should like those who do not like to cook.

To adhere to this diet is necessary for three days.

From the products of a slushless diet, we will try to form three meals:

In the intervals between meals, of course, the consumption of a large amount of liquid (in the form of a mineral water) is allowed and encouraged.

What attracts a slag-free diet?

The solution of the popularity of this exhausting and unbalanced diet in one - women promise getting rid of cellulite . At the same time, the creators of the diet say that it is not aimed at losing weight at all. Although not lose weight on this diet is hardly possible.

Thanks to this diet, you lose weight, but do not gain muscle mass (physical activity in these days is contraindicated). So, cellulite will be even more noticeable.

By applying the diet, cleaning of a high degree of all internal organs is achieved. But, believe me, our body provides purification (sweat, urine, cal - kidneys and intestines are not in vain invented). Discharge of the intestine from daily exercise will only lead to the fact that after three days of a diet on a normal diet, it will not be able to digest what it was easy to absorb earlier.