Tea match - good and bad

In Japan, tea plantations are located in Kyoto in the area of ​​Uji, at the foot of the active stratovolcano Fujiyama, in Okinawa. Therefore, tea plants and differ in their taste and aroma. The taste of the future tea is also affected by fertilizers that feed on plants, as well as steaming by sea water with a special grade of algae at the beginning of processing tea leaves. The most delicious and useful of all varieties of Japanese tea is the sort of match.

Properties of Japanese tea match

It is no coincidence that the tea of ​​the match is famous for its useful properties. He is considered one of the most useful beverages on our planet. Tea deserves such a high place thanks to a huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements in its composition. Specialists distinguish the following useful properties of this kind of tea:

Researchers use the tea match to note the fact that the islands of Okinawa are home to a large number of long-livers. All of them use this sort of tea as a preventive measure against various diseases.

How to make tea match?

The uniqueness of this kind of tea lies in the unique technology of processing raw materials. Immediately after steaming seawater with algae leaves carefully grind, separate dry leaves from branches and stems. Powdered tea leaves are not brewed, and whipped with water until the formation of foam.

Prepare the drink in a special low, but a wide cup, called a match-dzyavan. For one serving of tea, you need 4 bamboo spoons of chopped tea. Add water at a temperature of no more than 50-60 º C. Begin to actively whisk the tea with a special whisk. It is called tsenen.

Thus, tea match is drunk in the form of foam with leaves, and the human body receives all the vitamins and trace elements with which the drink is rich.