11 months old child

Young parents carefully note all the changes that occur with their newborn baby. Babies who have just been born, practically all the while sleep, but in the future their life regime significantly changes. The necessary duration of sleep of the child decreases with each month, and the periods of wakefulness, respectively, increase.

Under the influence of the natural interest of crumbs to the people around him and the subjects he constantly has new knowledge and skills, and previously known skills are being improved. Such rapid changes are especially relevant for the first year of a baby's life. In this article, we will tell you what happens to a child at the age of 11 months, and how to properly develop it to keep up with peers.

What can a child in 11 months?

Of course, the body of each baby is individual and the development of the baby can depend on many factors. For example, girls in most cases are slightly ahead of boys in developing speech and other skills, and babies born several months ahead of time have the full right to slightly lag behind peers and master certain skills a little later than others.

At the same time, there are special norms according to which doctors and parents can objectively assess the level of development of crumbs. So, a child who is 11 months old usually has the following skills:

The regime of the child's day in 11 months

That the kid at any age could fully develop, he needs a properly organized regime of the day. First of all, most mothers are interested in the question of how much a child should sleep in 11 months. Of course, there is no unequivocal answer to this question, because each baby has his own individual needs, but on average, the total daily sleep of an eleven-month-old baby is 13 hours.

Of these, 9-10 hours the baby should sleep at night, and the remaining time is divided into 2 rest periods of 1,5-2 hours each.

Take care that the periods of your wakefulness do not last more than 3.5-4 hours. A child at this age does not yet realize that he wants to sleep, and does not fit himself, so you must help him in this. If you miss the right moment, putting the baby to sleep will be much more difficult.

Developing games for children 11 months

For a child at the age of 11 months, all the objects around him are toys that must be touched, examined from all sides and must be tested "for a tooth". In this there is nothing terrible, because in this way the kid comprehends the world and gets acquainted with the surrounding space.

You should not forbid the crumbs to crawl where they want, and take those items that interest him. At the same time, you need to ensure the maximum safety of your child. Also, be sure to buy your son or daughter educational toys-pyramids and sorters. These bright objects will surely attract the attention of the crumbs and, besides, will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Finally, with a child of 11 months you can play the following games:

  1. "Who says that?" Show crumbs vivid pictures depicting famous animals and demonstrate how these little animals "talk". Very soon the baby begins to repeat behind you funny sounds that imitate the speech of animals.
  2. "Water-Vodichka." This game is best played during bathing. Plant your child in a bath, pour water to his waist and give a few jars or bottles with a wide throat. The kid will be happy to splash in the water and pour it from one container to another.