Putting a newborn on the stomach

The newborn baby in the first weeks after childbirth moves very little. Basically, he lies on his back, tucked his legs, or sleeps on one side - the way his mom puts it. The range of his independent movements is very limited. That is why the physical development of crumbs during the first year of life is given increased attention.

The first achievement of a baby is usually that he can hold his head on his own. This happens, as a rule, to 1.5-2 months. In order for the child to learn how to do this, parents practice putting the newborn on the stomach.

Laying out on the tummy is also useful for other reasons, which we will discuss further.

Why lay out the baby on the stomach?

Lying on the tummy, the baby tries to lift his head. This is a wonderful training of the muscles of the neck and back. Thanks to this, the spine of the child is well strengthened.

Also, putting a newborn on the stomach is a traditional way of preventing intestinal colic, which children often suffer. When the child lies on his stomach, the excess air bubbles easily leave the intestine. Regularly engaged in such prevention, you can do without unnecessary drugs and gas pipes.

In addition, the child needs to change the position of the body, especially when he can not yet turn over. This is necessary for good circulation.

The basic rules of laying on the tummy

Young parents are often interested in when and how to lay out a newborn baby on the stomach. Below are the main points that will help you navigate in this matter.

  1. Spread the baby on his tummy can begin as soon as he heals umbilical wound, but not earlier, so as not to cause him discomfort and not carry the infection.
  2. The time of the newborn baby's lying in the stomach should first not exceed one to two minutes, but gradually it should be increased, trying to keep the baby lying on his stomach as long as possible until it gets tired.
  3. Do not forget about the regularity of these exercises: they need to be done every day 2-3 times.
  4. It is best to spread the baby on the stomach after sleeping, when he is cheerful and cheerful, or 2-2.5 hours after feeding. Do not do this immediately after eating, otherwise it will immediately follow.
  5. Lay out your baby only on a flat, hard surface (this can be a changing or regular table). You can combine re-laying with charging or massage. Here are some examples of such exercises that can be performed when the baby is 2-3 months old:

Regular lessons with the child contribute to his correct and timely physical development. So do not neglect them, and your baby will grow healthy and strong!