Boiled water is good and bad

The human body basically consists of water, so it consumes a large amount daily. Most often people drink boiled water, the benefits and harms of which few people think about.

Is boiled water useful?

Boiling water is the easiest way to destroy most of the microorganisms contained in it. This is the main benefit of boiled water, t. people do not always have the opportunity to drink from proven sources, for example, in hikes.

However, boiling does not destroy all harmful microorganisms, for example, spores of some fungi and pathogens of botulism well experience heating to 100 ° C. And from the contamination of water with chlorine, heavy metals, oils, oil products, herbicides, pesticides and other substances, boiling does not help at all - at high temperatures all these substances combine into a far from useful "cocktail", causing salt deposits, kidney stones, disorders metabolism , heart attacks, strokes and poisoning.

To find out how useful boiled water, a lot of research has been done. But these works proved rather the opposite - the benefit of boiled water, and even more of secondary boiling water, is very doubtful.

The water of secondary boiling is often called "dead" by scientists. The fact is that when heated, some of the hydrogen atoms in the water molecules are replaced by the deuterium isotope. Such molecules are heavier than usual, so they sink to the bottom of the teapot. And with the secondary boiling of these molecules is formed even more.

What kind of water should I drink?

Since the damage of boiled water is much greater than the benefit, it is desirable to drink raw water. In Japan, by the way, even tea is brewed not boiled, but heated to 70-90 ° C water.

To minimize the damage to boiled water , always empty the kettle completely and rinse it. Use a stand-by or filtered water, but do not forget to change the filters in time.