Natural pregnancy after IVF

The most commonly used type of infertility treatment today is in vitro fertilization (IVF), which is used in cases of infertility of both partners to assist in conception.

The very process of IVF is to remove the egg, placing it in a tube with subsequent artificial insemination. The embryo develops within a few days in the incubator, after which it is placed in the uterine cavity.

Effectiveness of IVF

In fact, the effectiveness of the IVF procedure is up to 38%, the success of an attempt to a large extent depends on the factors that arise from the characteristics of partners. However, even in case of successful fertilization, pregnancy can be accompanied by spontaneous miscarriage - 21% of the probability.

IVF and natural pregnancy

What is the probability of getting pregnant naturally if an IVF procedure fails? During the preparation for IVF, a woman undergoes increased exposure to hormonal drugs to stimulate ovulation and ovarian activity. Taking such medications can have serious side effects. On the one hand, the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation increases, there is a risk of ovarian cancer , on the other - your body is exposed, similar to a natural hormonal surge accompanied by ovulation and subsequent pregnancy.

Of course, the probability of natural pregnancy after an unsuccessful attempt of IVF exists, and considerable. An organism that has received a shock dose of hormonal drugs, prepared for conception and bearing, gets an additional chance for an independent pregnancy, even after an unsuccessful IVF attempt. This is evidenced by many women who conceived immediately after, six months, sometimes even two years after IVF.

However, in many respects the probability of natural pregnancy after IVF depends on the initial factors that arise from the health of both partners, the nature of pathologies and the type of infertility.