Chinese rose care

Chinese rose or hibiscus Chinese refers to the genus Hibiscus (Hibiscus), which has more than 250 different plant species. Most of them grow in tropical climates, and only the Chinese rose is cultivated and at home as a houseplant. In nature, Chinese hibiscus is a fairly large bush. It can reach a height of three meters. But for cultivation in the apartments was taken a short decorative Chinese rose, care of which does not require much effort.

In countries where Chinese hibiscus grows, plant petals are used to produce a dye for tissue and hair. And its flowers are part of many recipes of folk medicine. How to take care of a Chinese rose you will learn from this article.


Reproduction can be done both by sowing seeds, and by cuttings. However, the reproduction of the Chinese rose by cuttings is the most commonly used variant. The apical shoots of the plant must be cut in the spring or summer. In order for the cuttings to successfully take root, it is recommended to create small boys for them. To do this, you can cover the shoots with a jar or polyethylene. Speaking of how to propagate a Chinese rose, it is important to remember that rooting cuttings requires 25-30 days. After that, they need to be transplanted into small pots. And in the spring, young plants can be placed in larger pots with a nutrient substrate.

Pruning a Chinese rose is an important event that stimulates the growth of new shoots. In addition, it will form a beautiful lush bush and prevent its excessive growth in height. Crop the plant best after the transplant, shortening the branches about a third of the length.


Carrying out the proper care of a roomy Chinese rose is not at all difficult. You just need to remember a few important points. The flower is very fond of light, but it is best to cover it from the bright, direct rays. And with proper care the plant can grow even on windows from the north side. The optimum temperature regime for hibiscus is about 22 ° C in summer and about 15 ° C in the cold season. If in the summer the Chinese rose stood in the fresh air, then for wintering it must necessarily be moved to the room, since the temperature below 10 ° C can be detrimental to the health of the plant.

Chinese rose develops better with frequent watering. It is necessary to water the plant twice a week and check that the soil is never dry. This is especially important in the summer hot months. In addition, in the summer you need to periodically spray the plants. As a rule, the Chinese rose turns yellow due to the insufficient humidity in the room. Moisture has a positive effect on the duration of flowering buds.

Additional fertilizing

Between the end of spring and the beginning of autumn, hibiscus It is necessary to feed regularly, introducing organic or mineral fertilizers into the soil. Closer in the fall should be reduced nitrogen content in the feeding. You can also fertilize the plant with a weak sugar solution. To make it, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of water. The amount of nutrients should be sufficient in any period of growth of the flower. After all, talking about why the Chinese rose does not bloom, almost always it is about not enough frequent fertilizing of the plant.

If you do not pay close attention to hibiscus, then aphids may appear on it, and with reduced humidity you can find a spider mite on the plant. If the infection is not strong, then the rose can be saved by washing with warm water. If there are a lot of pests, then it is necessary to perform treatment with Aktellik, diluting 15 drops in one liter of water.

Diseases of Chinese roses can also be associated with a lack of moisture or nutrients. But it is not necessary to water the land too, because the roots of the flower may begin to rot.