Furuncle on the leg

A furuncle on the leg can bring a lot of discomfort and pain, especially if the place of its localization is constantly affected by clothing or shoes. It is important to know how to treat it and what to do so that it does not appear in the future.

The causes of furuncles on the legs

Most often a boil on the leg appears exactly in the place where the maximum friction occurs and a large number of hair follicles is localized. This can be the area of ​​the lower leg, under the knee, or around the fingers. The main reasons for the development of purulent inflammation include:

Very often such a problem affects athletes, for whom microtrauma and abrasion of the feet - quite a common thing. In this case, the constant combing of wounds results in the defeat of just such a sore. The appearance of a furuncle on the toe is especially unpleasant. This is quite painful and often fetters the movement, because every step is a load on the inflamed area. If the occurrence of boils is quite rare, they can be treated at home. But with the regular ripening of such sores, it is worthwhile to turn to a specialist and check the body for more serious diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus.

How to cure a boil on the leg?

If your "chirac" does not require surgical intervention, then you can try it yourself. To do this you need:

  1. Clean hands every morning and evening to treat the site of inflammation with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Then lubricate with a special ointment containing an antiseptic.
  3. After applying such an ointment, it is best to apply a gauze bandage.
  4. Such procedures must be done before the full ripening and exit of the furuncle rod. After this, treat the wound with peroxide, and then iodine or zelenka.

Treatment of boils on the leg in the case of its long maturation or large size should be done by a doctor. It may be necessary to resort to surgery, which is performed in a hospital under local anesthesia.

Dangers can make up the sores that arise in the inguinal zone. In this case, self-medication is strictly forbidden.

During treatment, you should take a multivitamin, which will help raise immunity, as well as medications that relieve inflammation and pain.

In order that such a problem does not return to you, it is important to observe hygiene. It is good to use for washing feet a laundry soap that copes with bacteria quite efficiently.

Traditional methods of treatment

In folk medicine, there are many ways and recommendations on how to treat the boil on the leg. All recipes are aimed at ensuring that the chirac quickly ripens and leaves the rod. In this case, compresses, and lotions quickly and efficiently draw out purulent masses.

Recipe # 1:

  1. It is necessary to cut the garlic with plates and attach it with a plaster to the boil.
  2. A few hours later, you should change the bandage.

Thanks to the antibacterial properties of garlic, such a compress will quickly relieve the problem from pus.

Recipe # 2:

  1. A small piece of aloe leaf You need to grind it into a gruel and attach it to the boil.
  2. Secure the compress with a gauze dressing.
  3. Aloe should be left overnight.

The plant perfectly extends all purulent formations and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Recipe # 3:

  1. Seeds of flax should be poured into a linen bag and put in hot water for a minute.
  2. Then attach the pouch to the abscess.

This tool helps to quickly pull out the suppuration and promotes the healing of tissues.