How to teach a child to walk on a pot?

Perhaps, the teaching of the baby to the pot is the most painful topic for moms. After all, this process is not always as desired and, at times, stretches for a long time. In order for a child to understand what is required of him, it is necessary to avoid many common mistakes that are made by both experienced and inexperienced parents, trying quickly and as early as possible to teach the child to go for a pot.

Everything has its time

Moms want the child to learn how to be clean as soon as possible, and therefore literally from the first months of life terrorize his early planting. Sometimes this practice can really be crowned with success, but only on the condition that Mom will devote all that time to this cause.

Most often it happens that at first the baby really leaves to please his mother, but this is purely a coincidence, and then he commits a slip, and this, of course, upsets, because time is spent for it a lot.

Even worse scenario, if a child is so annoyed by the endless incomprehensible plantings, and finally, when it comes to a real pot, he flatly refuses to sit down and it will be a long time before the baby will fight his dislike for this process.

According to most pediatricians, the baby is able to control the bladder at the age of about two years, and the intestines even later. If your child has turned out earlier, it is more a feature of his body, rather than the merit of his parents.

How to teach to walk on a pot one-year-old child?

And yet not many mothers will wait, when the child himself will experience discomfort from wet panties. As soon as the child starts to sit confidently, he gets the first pot and gradually begins to introduce the child to him in the form of a game.

This is the right approach, however, you should not abuse toys when the kid is sitting on a pot. After all, he will not understand why he is required at all and will play with enthusiasm, instead of focusing on the business for which he was put here.

No aggression and screams should be heard and felt by the child, if after a rather long period of walking on the pot, he has a discomfiture in the form of wet or dirty panties. This is natural, because a child can play and not be asked on time.

You can not allow a toddler to watch cartoons or read a book when he is sitting on a pot. Even at the age of one he should be given to understand that for games the pot is not intended and after use it should be cleaned.

How to teach a child to walk on the pot?

When the baby is already quite good at dressing-dressing and understands the purpose of the pot, it should be gradually accustomed to self-service. Then coming to the kindergarten, he will not have problems with such an uneasy business as a pot.

A child can be considered accustomed to a pot when he is reminded, or without him knows where to find him, if necessary and at the same time by himself, taking off his panties to sit down.

How to teach a child to walk on a pot at night?

The final chord of the entire period of potty training is the time when the baby will stay dry all night. Some have succeeded in a half or two years, and someone needs a long time.

Mummies are divided into those who wake up several times a night to put the baby on the pot and others, waiting for the natural maturation of all the neurological processes that regulate spontaneous urination.

Even if the baby agrees to pee in the half asleep, and the bed is dry, this does not mean that he is able to restrain the urge to urinate at night. On the contrary, a peculiar habit of going to the toilet at night is formed and fixed.

It is best not to give the child plenty of drink before going to sleep so that the bladder does not overstretch. This will strengthen the walls of the bladder and sphincters responsible for containing urine. In norm, to three-four years the child is already asleep dry. If the "wet nights" continue, then most likely this is a neurological disorder and requires specialist advice.