How to permanently get rid of weeds on the site?

There are many kinds of weeds-much more than cultivated plants. The most common in our gardens are quinoa, wheatgrass, dandelion, nettle, mokritsa, sow-stand, pine. If you want to get good harvests, then know: fighting weed grass is an integral part of garden work. Let's consider all possible ways of how to permanently or at least for a long time to get rid of weeds in the garden.

How can we fight the weeds in the garden?

Familiarize yourself with different ways and choose the most suitable for you:

  1. Weeding is a method known since antiquity. However, it is very effective, because the removal of weeds by hand or by mechanical means is excellent to get rid of any weed plants. Although the minus of this method is obvious - this is a very laborious and physically tedious work.
  2. Lining with a dark film is a more modern weed protection, which only appeared with the invention of special materials such as lutrasil, agroperlite, spunbond . The dark film does not let light in, and if it is covered with earth on the site, the weed grass beneath it will simply not grow. There is also a "grandfather" version of precautionary measures against weeds - the use of ordinary cardboard. It acts just like a film, but over time, the paper, decomposed, will also enrich the soil.
  3. A variation of the previous method is mulching. Sprinkle straw, wood bark or sawdust around your plantings: this will not only protect them from weeds, but will also keep moisture in the ground, not allowing it to dry out.
  4. The chemical way - the use of tools such as "Tornado", "Killer" or "Roundup" - is more complicated, because chemicals affect both weeds and useful crops. Use the medication very carefully, spraying in windless weather or pointwise applying a brush (for this, before using, be sure to read the instructions).

Applying all the methods described in a comprehensive and systematic way, you can get rid of weeds and turn your site into a perfect garden, garden or flower garden!