Duodenal duodenitis - symptoms

The duodenum is the site of the small intestine, where the initial stage of the digestion process takes place. The ducts from the gallbladder and pancreas that exit into the cavity of the duodenum provide for the supply of bile and digestive enzymes that promote the cleavage and absorption of nutrients.

Symptoms of duodenitis

Disease duodenitis of the duodenum is associated with the spread of the inflammatory process in the mucosa. In this case, duodenitis is often combined with other pathologies in the digestive system. Symptoms of duodenal duodenitis depend on the form of the course of the disease.

The acute form of duodenitis is characterized by the sudden appearance of signs of the disease, including:

Attention! With ulcer duodenitis of the duodenum, provoked by high acidity of the gastric juice, pain in the abdomen occurs, after only 15-20 minutes after eating.

In the chronic form of duodenal duodenitis, the patient has spasmodic abdominal pain and dyspeptic symptoms in the form of:

Often the disease is accompanied by duodenogastric reflux, manifested in the form of eructations and heartburn.

Diagnosis of the disease

The specialist during the examination and questioning of the patient may presume a diagnosis of the disease. Confirmation of the disease is the results of tests:

The state of the cavity of the digestive system is revealed through instrumental diagnostic methods. Modern examination of the duodenum with duodenitis is carried out using the following medical technologies:

The most popular and informative is the visual examination of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract organs - FGDS. The findings of the study allow the doctor to establish the form of the disease and determine the methods of therapy.