Chronic metritis

Metrite is the inflammatory process that occurs in the muscular tissues of the uterus. It usually occurs as a consequence of endometritis - the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the uterus.

Metric: Reasons

There are metrites of infectious and aseptic origin. The most common cause of infectious metritis are intestinal rods, streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, diphtheria bacillus, anaerobic bacteria and mycobacterium tuberculosis. Disease-causing microorganisms enter the uterus during menstruation, with pathological births and abortions. In addition, the prerequisites for the development of metritis are the introduction into the uterus of contraceptives, hypothermia, decreased immunity, acute infectious diseases (angina, tuberculosis), congestion in the small pelvis.

Metritis: symptoms

The attributes of metritis are:

Initially, the disease is acute - with increased body temperature, sharp pains in the lower abdomen, a decline in strength and purulent secretions from the genital tract. The uterus is sharply painful and enlarged in size. If the necessary treatment is not received in time, then in two weeks the metritis passes into a chronic stage. Chronic metritis is characterized by pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen, mucopurulent leucorrhoea and uterine bleeding. Chronic inflammation significantly reduces the quality of life of a woman, entails a breakdown in sexual function and is fraught with infertility. During the examination, the doctor notes the consolidation of the structure of the body and cervix. To make the right diagnosis, you need to exclude a possible pregnancy.

Chronic metritis of the uterus: treatment

The treatment of chronic metritis of the uterus is based on methods aimed primarily at restoring the body's defenses. Widely used methods of physiotherapy: electrophoresis with magnesium salts, iodine, zinc, mud therapy. Very good results also give treatment with leeches - hirudotherapy. The use of medicinal leeches helps to improve immunity, enrich the blood with oxygen, gives a bactericidal and virotsidny effect. In the event that a chronic metritis is marked by a violation of the menstrual cycle, treatment is supplemented with hormone therapy.