How many monthly periods last?

Different women have different monthly periods and this is due to a number of reasons. On how much the average monthly girl's monthly life affects, the way of life, heredity, the structure of the uterus and the secretion of hormones.

How many days are the first months?

The first menstruation of girls (menarche) - the main indicator of puberty, which normally comes from 9 to 15 years. The duration of the first menstrual period can vary greatly and depends on the physiology of the organism. On average, the first monthly period lasts about 5 days and is usually quite scanty compared with subsequent menstruation. In adolescent girls, on the first day of menstruation, aching pains in the lower abdomen, nausea and dizziness can be observed. All this signals the establishment of a cycle and is the norm. If one of the symptoms becomes disturbing, then a compulsory doctor's consultation is necessary.

How to count the beginning of a cycle?

The time interval from the beginning of one menstruation to another is called the menstrual cycle. When it comes to the question of which day is the beginning of the month, it is quite easy to answer. The first day of bleeding is considered the beginning of the cycle, the last day before the start of a new menstruation - the last day of the cycle. Usually the cycle lasts from 28 to 35 days. For the convenience of cycle control, you can start a monthly calendar, in which you should mark the date of the beginning and end of menstruation. To get the date of the next menstruation you need to add the duration of the cycle to the end date of the month. If critical days do not occur within 10 days from the beginning of the expected date, then this is considered a delay.

How many days should women have months?

Normally, menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days, but it also happens that the monthly ones stretch for more than a week, or quickly end before the deadline. If these temporary abnormalities are accompanied by intolerable pain, nausea, vomiting and weakness, this may indicate menstrual irregularities. Each woman just needs to know how many days are normal monthly, in order to notice possible deviations and diseases in time. Violations of the cycle can signal a hormonal imbalance or interfere with a desired pregnancy.

Long monthly

If the menstruation lasts longer than usual for one or two days, and there are no other alarming signs, then there is often no reason for experiencing. But it is mandatory to see a doctor if the long months are too abundant (you use more than one gasket for 3 hours) if they are too painful or have clots.

Monthly, which lasts 2 weeks are considered very long and can occur due to:

Short monthly

A short cycle time should also alert the girl, especially if at the same time a small amount of blood is allocated in the form of "dabs" or the discharge is distinguished by color (light or dark brown). The reason for why the monthly fast ends, there may be the following factors: