Rights of the child in school

Education is a necessary part of life in society, which is the basis of harmonious personal growth and development. Every child is obliged to attend school, so parents have a number of experiences and questions during all the years of study. First of all, you need to know what are the rights of the child in school. They need to be explained in an accessible form even to a first-grader.

Rights of the child in the schools of Russia and Ukraine

Children are protected at the legislative level , and infringement of the rights of the child in school is punishable. Both Russian and Ukrainian schoolchildren have the same rights:

Some mothers are interested in the issue of the rights of a disabled child in school. According to the law and the UN Convention, children who have a disability can attend educational institutions on an equal basis with other students. In the presence of medical indications and the consent of parents, the disabled child has the right to study in specialized institutions (correctional schools). In such institutions, the work is directed to classes with children who have certain violations, and teachers have the necessary knowledge and skills.

Protecting the rights of the child in school

The younger a student, the more difficult it is for him to defend his own interests. Therefore, the rights of the child in school, both in Russia and Ukraine, to protect, primarily parents are called upon. Of course, some conflicts can be solved directly with the class teacher, but sometimes you have to contact the director or other authorities.

It should be noted that physical and psychological violence is considered a violation of the rights of the child at school.

By physical violence understand the situation when the schoolchildren were used physical strength. Unfortunately, there is no precise definition of mental violence. But the following facts are usually attributed to its forms:

If the situation is really serious and its solution is impossible at the level of the class teacher, then the output can be transfer to another educational institution. But parents have the right to defend the interests of their child and turn to the director, with a demand to understand the situation. If the result does not satisfy them, they can write an application to the police or prosecutor's office.