Clinker cleansing - recommendations for care and maintenance

Many amateurs of fish are sure that the cleavage cleavage is a worthy inhabitant of aquariums, and all thanks to its bright appearance and unpretentiousness in care and maintenance. There are also secondary names: the analysis of the heteromorph or the pinot tetra.

Bibliography - description

In nature, the fish of this breed live on the territory of the island of Sumatra and Java, and in Thailand and the peninsula of Malacca. In the natural environment, you can find about 50 species that belong to the family of carp. It is worth noting that klinopotnistaya is the most unpretentious of all. Types of assortment in the aquarium are more extensive, as many colors are derived due to breeders.

Fish are small, and their maximum size is about 4 cm. The body is distinguished by a high profile and very flattened on the sides. The tail is narrow, and the fins on the body are high and wide. They are transparent with a beautiful edging of orange. The main color of the body has an original silver shade, which during the mating season is stronger. The bifurcation is called so because of a black spot in the form of a wedge.

Bibliography - Clarified

The popularity of this type of fish is also due to the fact that their content does not need to create any special conditions, all as for others. Specialists recommend in the care and content of fish of the sorting out to focus on the environment in which they live in nature. Due to this, it will be possible to reduce the risk of diseases and prolong the life of aquarium inhabitants.

Aquarium for batching

There are several tips that should be considered to create suitable conditions for fish.

  1. Aquarium. Since the rifts prefer to live in flocks, it is important to choose the correct volume of the vessel, so for 10 individuals it is necessary to purchase a capacity of 40-50 liters. It is important to place a lid with holes on the top, otherwise the fish can jump out of the water.
  2. Water. Aquarium fish cleavage cleavage perfectly feels at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C. The acidity index should be 6-7,8, and the rigidity 4-15%.
  3. Filter. The filtration of water is not a mandatory, but desirable procedure. It is not necessary to buy a powerful device, since its main task is to maintain the purity of the liquid. Even with a filter, it is recommended to change up to 25% of the water volume in the aquarium every week.
  4. Lighting. You can not place the aquarium under direct sunlight and the best for the synthetics comes from a soft and diffuse light.
  5. Soil and plants. For this type of plant is best suited for dark soil. As for plants, it is better to plant them densely, but at the same time the place for swimming must certainly remain. You can use snags as shelters.

Fish of discrimination - compatibility

The character of the individuals of this species is peaceful, so it perfectly coexists with other types of tetras, for example, black neon and pristelles. Do not forget that the aquarium fish of sorting is small, therefore it is not recommended to consider large individuals as neighbors. Categorically not suitable and predators, for example, piranhas and black paku. It is recommended to keep the selection in schools, because they are less stressed.

Cloth cleavage - care

For fish it is important that the aquarium maintained cleanliness, that is, you need to regularly change the water and, if necessary, wash the plants and the vessel itself. It is worth removing spoiled plants in time, as they can spoil the water and damage the state of living creatures. In order for the fish of cleavage to clinch well develop and not to suffer, it is important to feed it properly.

Aquarium fish of sorting - feeding

Individuals of this species are predators and in natural conditions they eat in most cases plankton and insect larvae. When they are home-grown, they are not choosy, so they can get something horrible, but it's important for health to make a certain diet. The fish cleavage pinoclype will be pleased with such food:

  1. The basis of the menu can be dry granulated feed of high quality. It is better to give preference to well-known manufacturers.
  2. As live food, it is allowed to disperse the spotted larva of mosquitoes or bloodworms, small crustaceans and enchitraea.
  3. As an additional feeding you can use scalded semolina, oat flakes and crumbs of white bread.
  4. During spawning, the fish diet should consist only of live fodders, which can be supplemented with selective vitamins and microelements.

Bilaterally - disease

If all the previously described rules regarding keeping and care are observed, the fish rarely get sick, but sometimes the ailments are manifested:

  1. Complaints react poorly to a decrease in temperature, and they can catch a cold. If the value falls below 20 ° C, then the body develops a fungal disease. For treatment it is necessary to raise the index to 28-30 ° C and establish a good aeration .
  2. Can fish develop a widespread parasitic disease - oodinioz. For treatment is used "Bicillin-5". If there are a lot of young animals in the aquarium, then it is recommended to add salt for prevention, on the assumption that 10 liters should account for 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  3. Changes in the chemical composition of water negatively affect the state of fish. If the cleavage of the clinoid from a mild acid medium falls into a hard alkaline reaction, then it will experience a severe shock and may even die.

Breeding of the cleavage

To begin with it is necessary to understand how to distinguish a female from a male, and so one of the obvious signs is a more rounded abdomen. The male has a brighter body color. Pay attention to the black spot in the form of a wedge, so in males it has sharper ends, and in females they are rounded. The type of cleavage can be multiplied, starting from the year. There are several recommendations that need to be considered for spawning:

  1. The steam must be transferred to a container with a volume of 5-8 liters. For group spawning, the vessel must be at least 20 liters. It is also possible to use a plastic bottle of suitable size for spawning. The water level should not exceed 20 cm.
  2. Water for successful breeding should be in the range of 26-28 ° C. The stiffness index should not exceed 3-4%, and the acidity enters the limit of 5-6.
  3. Water should be stationary, while 1/4 part should be distilled with the addition of peat broth. As a result, the shade of the liquid should be similar to the slightly brewed tea.
  4. At the bottom, place plants with large leaves, so that the female can attach caviar to them. Be sure to press the roots with stones so that the bushes do not float.
  5. As for sanctification, it must be mild and diffuse.

Bilaterally - spawning

When the female is ready for spawning, her stomach will increase and it will be a signal that it is necessary to plant a flock where the female and male representatives will be equally divided into and intensively feed it for a week. Describing the multiplication of cleavage, it is worth noting that spawning can begin, both in the morning and at night. It can last about 2-3 hours. The female turns its belly towards the top and starts throwing eggs on the leaf. Immediately, the male fertilizes them.

When the spawning is complete, it is necessary to send the parents to a normal aquarium, as they are a threat to the spawn. After that, the water level is recommended to be reduced to 10 cm. The illumination should also be reduced, but the temperature and aeration continue to be maintained. Eggs that have become white, remove. In a day there will be larvae, and in a week it is important to start feeding fry by using "live dust".