
Tapenade is a traditional thick French sauce. An oleaginous paste of tapenade is served as accompaniment to soup, as well as to meat, fish and vegetable dishes cooked on the grill. Often the sauce is spread on bread or toast.

The main recipe for tapenade includes olives or olives, capers and olive oil. All variations of thick sauce depend on additional ingredients. Most often as an additive used anchovies, dried tomatoes, tuna in canned food, nuts and spices: garlic, rosemary, basil and other greens. There are two ways of cooking tapenade: the first - manually in a mortar, the second - blending in a blender.

Tapenade from olives



Capers, olives, anchovies and cloves of garlic are ground in a blender to the state of homogeneous puree, add olive oil, stir again. At the end, pour in the lemon juice and pour the ground pepper, all whisk thoroughly.

Tapenade from olives is prepared according to the same recipe, but instead of olives, black olives are taken, which makes the paste look like fine black caviar.

In large cities, there are usually no problems with the acquisition of anchovies. If you do not have the opportunity to buy anchovies, they can be replaced by hamso, canned tuna and even salted sprats. Ready tapenade can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, serving a delicious pasta for breakfast or lunch.

We offer a recipe for simple sandwiches for breakfast.

Sandwiches with cheese and tapenade


Across the thin slices we cut a loaf, put a piece of cheese on it, top off it with tapenade and cover it with another piece of cheese. Put the sandwiches in a hot oven for 3 minutes or microwave to make the cheese melt. Sandwiches are served hot.

Along with tapenade, as a snack for bread, hummus , or guacamole sauce will perform perfectly. Bon Appetit!