How to get rid of excess weight?

Strange as it may seem, but the problem of excess weight in the world is almost as acute as the problem of hunger. While poor countries are deciding on how to feed the population, the United States and other developed countries are struggling to help people maintain normal weight. In fact, there is nothing complicated, all the discoveries have long been made and are old, like the world.

Psychological causes of excess weight

Experts around the world have long investigated the causes of excess weight in women, and as a result, a number of interesting conclusions were drawn. First, women are biologically prone to accumulation of excess weight - this is an additional protection for the baby when it is inside the womb, as well as a way to survive even in long periods of hunger (yes, nature has done everything to enable the woman to endure and feed the child) . Secondly, women need more positive emotions, and the easiest way to get them is to eat something tasty. These two factors are basic and they are enough to make more and more women look for a miracle diet.

By the way, many weight loss methods that are cultivated in the network are another cause of excess weight. If a woman severely restricts herself in a week, she will lose weight. But when she then returns to the previous diet, the body decides to stock up - and what if there is a period of hunger? As a result of short diets, the entire metabolic system is knocked down and women recover even more. Is it worth talking about "miracle tablets", the reception of which causes irreversible damage to the body? All these experiments on yourself and the willingness to believe in a magic remedy are another reason for overweight women.

A frequent psychological reason for completeness is discontent with self and low self-esteem . Excess weight is a way to prove to ones own right: "Yes, I do not like myself and do the right thing." Of course, this happens unconsciously.

How to get rid of excess weight?

First of all, it is necessary to recognize that the fight against excess weight is a complex occupation and not at all rapid. Quickly discarded pounds have too much chance also to quickly return back. Often, people with excess weight choose the wrong strategy of losing weight, and as a result remain with nothing. Answer yourself the question - do you want to be slim for a while? Or would you still like to get a beautiful figure forever? If you choose the second option, then you need a comprehensive, healthy approach.

Consider ways to combat excess weight, which is worth combining in your weight loss:

  1. Make a plan for losing weight. Normal rates are from 3 to 5 kilograms per month. The less you weigh, the smaller the normal plumb. For a girl weighing 50 kg, 5 kg is 10% of the body weight, the figure is quite serious. The more excess weight, the easier it goes. Calculate, by what time you REALLY can lose weight. Remember this date.
  2. Make yourself a training plan. If you do not like fitness clubs, you can choose jogging, jumping rope, long walks. The load should be regular, 2-4 times a week.
  3. Make a plan for a healthy diet. The rules are simple: eat small portions, do not overeat, give up flour, sweet and fat, do not drink after eating, three hours before bedtime there is the last time. Vegetables , fruits, lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy products - all this should be present in your diet.

After this question about how to deal with obesity, you will not remain. Just eat right, exercise and lose weight according to your plan! Remember, you refuse not from sweets and sweets, you give up excess fat on your stomach. With this attitude, nothing is scary to you!