Coffee press for coffee

Fans of a fragrant, hot and invigorating drink have long been familiar with such a functional invention as a coffee press for coffee (bistro). This innovative device after the coffee machine, perhaps the most practical. Brewing coffee in a French press takes just a couple of minutes, and the drink is not less tasty than in a Turkish .

Advantages of a french press

The peculiarity of the French press for coffee is that you do not need to select a specific sort of grains. To prepare tasty, rich coffee in the French press, even flavored varieties are suitable. In the container simultaneously with coffee, you can add and favorite spices, and herbal decoctions. Thanks to a special device, the french press fully allows the aroma and taste of the coffee to open. A stunning smell you will feel in the first seconds. This method of brewing requires coarse grinding of coffee for a french press, so even a simple coffee grinder will be able to cope with the task. Concerning expensive varieties of the drink, it is the metal French-press that allows to reveal their aroma most fully.

This method of cooking is the ability to independently adjust the drink to extract caffeine. For coffee makers, forced to limit its quantity, this is undoubtedly extremely important.

Disadvantages of the french press

Since this device has recently appeared in our country, many of its taste has not yet been fully appreciated. And the quality of coffee is selected high-quality, and how to use the French press, we studied, and the drink turns out to be "not that". It's a matter of gentle brewing, which gives the softness drink and eliminates bitterness. Especially acute this difference feel espresso lovers, accustomed to the fortress, acidity and bitterness. Over time, softer coffee will be appreciated. It is important to initially set yourself up for a completely different taste.

We make coffee correctly

First, flush the bottle with boiling water and wipe dry. Pour in the flask of ground coffee (a teaspoon per serving and one more for the whole volume) and pour boiling water, cooled to 90 degrees (at this time, just you will process the flask). When the cream, that is, the foam begins to rise, lower it (no lower!) The plunger of the press. After 4 minutes gently and with one movement, lower the plunger to the bottom, pressing the thick. Divinely fragrant coffee is ready! The time of brewing you can change depending on the preferences regarding the strength of coffee.