Mulled wine for colds

Then came the cold, and with them the uninvited guests appeared-fatigue, depression and colds. And the first thing that comes to mind is a cup of traditional hot tea. But there is also a worthy alternative - a drink imported to us from Europe and the Scandinavian countries, which is called mulled wine.

So all the same tea or mulled wine? Skeptics, of course, will doubt: is it good for mulled wine from a cold? After all, it's an alcoholic drink! But even therapists agree that with proper use of alcohol in the fight against colds - a good help. After all, wine, which is used as the basis for mulled wine, in itself has remarkable antimicrobial properties. And even in a hot drink it significantly improves the patient's well-being, restores strength and relieves unpleasant symptoms. Vitamin C from citrus and spice, beneficial effect on immunity, make mulled wine an excellent remedy for colds. Moreover, if you do not have allergies to honey, you can always remove the sugar in the recipe and make such a useful mulled wine with honey.

How to cook mulled wine? This is easy to do with the help of our advice.

In our time there is a huge variety of wines - how to choose the right wine for mulled wine? Traditionally, for this hot drink choose red dry wine, and the desired sweetness will give him sugar or honey. Do not buy expensive wine - after heating it will lose all its valuable qualities. Do not choose too strong - excessive taste of alcohol can spoil everything. White wine is also suitable for mulled wine, but the drink based on it will be more acidic. This is fixable - you can take a semisweet wine or replace lemons in a mulled wine recipe for a cold on an orange.

What kind of spices are used to make mulled wine? The simplest option is to buy a ready-made spice set in the store. As a rule, on the back of the package there are even brief instructions on how to make mulled wine. But you can always buy the necessary spices separately and put them in the required proportions. The best choice - unmilled spices for mulled wine, after all devoid of unnecessary sludge ready-made drink is much more pleasant. Traditionally, for cooking use cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, black and sweet pepper, bay leaf, anise, tubby, citrus peel. Do you like ginger? Feel free to add it to the mulled wine. Try new combinations and experiment based on your taste.

In the recipe for mulled wine from a cold, you can and should add apples, lemons, oranges, dried fruits. The main thing - do not overdo it with quantity, so that a hot alcoholic beverage does not turn into a regular compote.

What is the optimum cooking temperature for mulled wine? The wine should never be brought to a boil, adhere to the optimal for the preparation of mulled wine degrees (70 - 80 ° C). Warm the drink over medium heat, stirring until the foam disappears from the surface. Then set aside 40 minutes so that the mulled wine is infused. But, if you are not impatient, you can immediately begin tasting.

Mulled wine from a cold better to drink at night and always hot, but not scalding. You can store it in a thermos.

Here is one of the common recipes of mulled wine from cold: to 750 ml of dry red wine add 2-3 tablespoons. spoons of sugar, 1 orange, 1 cinnamon stick, a teaspoon of ground ginger, 5 cloves and 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg. Orange with peel cut in circles. Bring to a boil 100 ml of water and add the spices. When the broth is infused (7-10 minutes), strain it and pour it into the warmed wine, add the remaining ingredients. Bring it to the ready and serve hot.

Any recipe for mulled wine can be prepared with honey instead of sugar. But, as a rule, this composition is offered for cold: a bottle of semisweet red wine - a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of salt and cinnamon, 3-5 peas of black pepper, 5-6 cloves and 1 orange.

The use of mulled wine in the fight against seasonal ailments, of course, is undeniable, but do not forget about the contraindications to its use - diabetes, gastritis, cardiovascular diseases. Be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to honey or other components of the drink. And be healthy!