Color types of people

The ingenious idea of ​​dividing people into several color types belongs to Max Factor. Many designers, stylists and ordinary women adhere to simple rules on the selection of colors for clothing and makeup. Let's see how to correctly determine the color types of people, and generally what it is.

Women's color types

In fact, everything is very simple, the female color-type is the combination of the color of your hair, eyes and skin, which is classified according to special methods. In total there are four groups of people by type - "winter", "spring", "summer" and "autumn". Identify your color is not so difficult.

"Winter" - these are brunettes or brown-haired women with light eyes, for example blue, gray-green or gray-blue, and fair skin.

"Spring" are blonde and light-eyed girls. Skin light and translucent, sometimes with a milky ebb.

"Summer" - blonde girls with light brown or blue eyes, light skin color with olive tinge.

"Autumn" - the color of hair is chestnut, red, copper, brown, eyes are green or brown. Skin light slightly with a yellowish tinge or swarthy.

Color palette of female color types

Winter women are ideally suited to the black and white palette. Also, give preference to the muted shades of purple, pink, turquoise and coffee colors. Categorically not suitable warm colors of orange, red, blue, bright yellow and green.

Spring girl can afford turquoise, golden, peach, coral and terracotta clothing. Dark and cold shades are best left aside.

Summer color is decorated with soft and calm colors. Discard saturated shades of brown, green and yellow.

Autumn beauties to the face all warm colors, including the colors of fading leaves. Ideal for bronze, copper and gold. That's just worth abandoning the brightest cold tones.

There are only four girls with color-types, but each of them is subdivided into several subtypes. We can not be all the same! The basic rules are suitable for everyone, but, nevertheless, there are exceptions.