The nasolabial triangle of the newborn

Parents often mark the blueing of the nasolabial triangle in newborns. This phenomenon occurs both in absolutely healthy children and in children with disorders in the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems.

Normally, the oxygen saturation of blood in children reaches 95%, during the crying or crying of a newborn, the indicator may fall to the extreme low - 92%. All indicators below the minimum are pathologies. With a decrease in the oxygen level in the blood in the baby, the nasolabial triangle becomes blue. This phenomenon is called cyanosis.

Blueing of the nasolabial triangle in healthy children

In the first weeks of life, a baby may have blue, which is caused by a cyanosis of pulmonary origin. The phenomenon is observed at the moment of crying or crying, when the child's oxygen level in the blood decreases. As he grows up and improves systems such manifestations disappear. If after some weeks of life the baby remains blue, the child should be shown to specialists. The question should be approached seriously, since the same effect is caused by pathological conditions accompanied by a deficiency of oxygen in the blood.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in newborns can be associated with very thin and transparent skin in this area. Due to this structure and translucent veins of the veins, it takes a bluish tinge. If blueing the nasolabial triangle of newborns is caused precisely by this factor, then you should not worry - the baby is healthy.

Blueing of the nasolabial triangle during illness

The nasolabial triangle in a newborn can acquire a blue color in the course of severe respiratory tract diseases. Vivid examples are such ailments as pneumonia and pathological conditions of the lungs. These diseases are accompanied by a pallor of the entire skin, heavy breathing and shortness of breath, which are of a paroxysmal nature. The stronger the seizures, the more pronounced changes in skin color. A prolonged catarrhal disease or viral infection in infants due to an effect on the lungs can also provoke the appearance of the described symptoms.

Blueing of the nasolabial triangle in a newborn can be caused by the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract. If such symptoms are observed for the first time and the child can not take a breath, urgently should examine it and call an ambulance.

Blueing of the nasolabial triangle in pathological conditions

The most common cause of the manifestation of the blue nasolabial triangle in a newborn becomes congenital heart disease. The same symptoms can give the malformations of the pulmonary artery and acute heart failure. All these conditions can be diagnosed only by specialists. If the bluish is observed longer than normal, and at times when the child shows no signs of severe anxiety in behavior, it should be reported to the doctor immediately.

To diagnose pathological conditions with cyanosis, the specialist conducts ultrasound examination of the heart, a chest x-ray and an electrocardiogram. If the heart disease was excluded, the doctor can refer the child to a neurologist.

Most often neurologists diagnose the inadequate development of the infant's respiratory system. In this case, mom is recommended to increase the time of walking and direct the baby to massage sessions. As a rule, by the year everything is restored and the symptoms disappear. In any case, specialists do not recommend self-treatment, nor should one treat these symptoms negligently. At the first manifestations of cyanosis it is necessary to inform the district pediatrician about this.