Rockambol - good and bad

Garlic rocambol, the benefit and harm of which has long been known, is very popular among many people. It perfectly complements many dishes and makes them very spicy and full.

What does the rockambol contain?

Garlic with a hard neck, onion, garlic, Egyptian onions or rocambol - here are some names of this variety. It has quite a bitterness, it is used in cooking, as well as medicine and cosmetology.

It includes:

Thanks to beneficial substances and phytoncids, this garlic is an incredibly useful product that helps to eliminate many diseases.

Useful properties of onion rockball

The use of rocambol in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is rather great. Garlic well dilutes blood and dilates blood vessels, which prevents the formation of blood clots. If you need to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body, it is best to consume each day on a slice of garlic after each meal.

It has long been known antiviral and antifungal effects of rocambol and a positive effect on the digestive system. It is worth say that the sulphides that make up it are a powerful antidote, so garlic is recommended for use in poisoning. If there are problems with the gums, you can use baked rocambol, which will significantly improve their condition after a while.

In cosmetology, the juice of the onions is used to make masks that help strengthen the hair. When there is a purulent inflammation on the skin, you can lubricate them with rocambol juice and after a few days they pass.

Because of the severity and active action of garlic, side effects can occur in the form of headaches, itching, irritation, diarrhea and stomach problems. Given the benefits and harms of garlic rocambol, you should use it moderately, so as not to harm the body.