Gymnastics for the eyes for preschoolers

Vision is one of the five senses through which a person cognizes, perceives and explores the world around him. The newborn infant first observes only the mixing of shadows and light. Weak vision is the result of an unformed retina. Every day the baby gets more and more information due to his vision.

Causes of blurred vision

Modern conditions in which children grow up do not allow them to be protected from harmful influences. Such useful for the development of the child cartoons, developing computer games, TV - all this is an integral part of the preschooler's life. We will not talk about the harm of TV and computer, but will try to adapt to the circumstances. It is in such conditions and it is necessary to learn to protect the eyesight.

The paradox is that the eyes train daily, then, despite the load, vision can deteriorate. Doctors have long been trumpeting that the so-called epidemic of diseases of the organs of vision is developing at a catastrophic rate.

The use of gymnastics for the eyes

Visual gymnastics is a wonderful assistant in the struggle for good vision. The main goal of gymnastics for the eyes of preschool children is to form the correct idea in children that they need to take care of vision. Regular gymnastics for the eyes, the so-called fizminutka, increases the efficiency of vision, improves blood circulation, prevents the development of certain eye diseases. In addition, any teaching material is more effectively absorbed.

To begin gymnastics for the eyes (elementary exercises) is necessary at an early age. A five-minute session, which a one-year-old child sees as a game, must be done two or three times a day. The simplest is the closing-opening of the eyelids (dark-light), the circular rotation of the pupil (the child watches the airplane circling in front of him in the mother's hand). When the baby learns these exercises, you can enter more complex. By the age of three the child is ready to repeat everything you ask for. He with pleasure grimaces, articulates.

Train with my mother

Any mother is able to train the sight of the baby at home. For example, play with the kid in the count. We approach the window and consider everything and everyone: cars, people, children, cats and dogs. Eyes follow how they move. You can watch what is happening with one eye, and the second one with your hand. Another option: look through the window through a paper sheet with a small hole.

During a walk it is useful to play with light and darkness. Let the kid remember everything that surrounds him. Then close his eyes for a minute with his hand. When he opens them, let him tell you what has changed over this time. Show the child how the butterfly wings wings, and then let it repeat these movements with the wings of the cilia, closing and opening the eyes.

Observation of a moving object is useful. If you place a basket in the center of the room and throw a ball at it from a meter distance, training for the eyes will be fun for all members of the family. In sunny weather the best simulator will be a regular mirror, with the help of which a sunny bunny will appear in the room. The child will be happy to watch him. Do not forget - exercises should be interesting to the kid!

Visual gymnastics in the preschool

Visual eye gymnastics in the DOW (children's educational institution) can be held in various forms:

If there is a need, then the preschool child will be dealt with individually.