Erespal - analogues

Erespal is very effective in treating broncho-pulmonary diseases. With its help, it is easy to defeat bronchial obstruction, normalize spitting and restore gas exchange in the lungs. But what if there was no medicine in the pharmacy? Consider what can replace Erespal.

Analogue of Erezpal - BronchoMax

A good analog of Erespal, which coincides with this drug according to the active substance and form of release is BronchoMax. 5 ml of this preparation contain 10 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride. BronchoMax perfectly cope with the treatment:

In addition, that this Erespal analog is available in syrup, there are also BronchoMax tablets.

Analog Erespal - Inspiron

If you do not know how to replace Erespal, Innspiron tablets will help you. The active substances of these drugs are the same, and the code of the automatic telephone exchange is the same.

Indications for the use of Inspiron are inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract, as well as ENT organs of various currents. It can be used when you are looking to replace Erespal for the treatment of respiratory symptoms of measles or influenza infections.

The analogue of Erezpal - Fosidal

Efficient and cheap analog Erespal - Fossid. It is not available in several dosage forms. It can be found only in syrup, but this drug has an excellent bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine action. Thanks to the same active substance as in Erespal, Fosidal is shown at:

Inspirin, Focidal and BronchoMax are analogues of Erespal medication, which can be used even for the treatment of children (from 2 years old), but it is forbidden to apply during pregnancy.

The active substance Erespala hydrochloride fenspirida not found in such drugs as Fljuditik, Pulmex-baby, Bronchipret, Bronchicum and Lazolvan. But these drugs are very often used in the fight against sputum and broncho-pulmonary diseases.