Than to treat a mastopathy at women?

Mastopathy is a common disease that affects the mammary glands, with an increase in the tissue in the breast. As a result, the chest produces dense or cysts. Complex treatment of mastopathy includes the use of medications, and in the last stages - surgical intervention.

Effective treatment of mastopathy

The most famous and reliable means is the treatment of mastopathy by Mastodinone. It is a herbal preparation, the components of which relieve hormonal disorders - stabilize the cycle of menstruation and soothe nerves, making a woman less irritable.

Medication of mastopathy

Medical treatment of mastopathy is hormonal and non-hormonal.

  1. Non-hormonal includes the reception of a complex of vitamins, enzyme preparations and soothing agents. This includes treating mastopathy with homeopathy , that is, taking natural, herbal remedies.
  2. Hormonal treatment of mastopathy is prescribed in more serious stages, implies the use of antiestrogens, oral contraceptives, gestogens and agonists.

In the last stages, the only method of treatment is surgical intervention.

The auxiliary methods of treatment include adherence to diet, lifestyle changes: physical activity, avoidance of stress, the patient needs to sleep well and often go out in the open air, quit smoking.

How to cure mastopathy with folk remedies?

Women often begin to treat mastopathy at home without referring to doctors. As a panacea take decoction of the roots of burdock, grass red brush, chaga, yarrow, motherwort, string. These drugs can stop the development of the disease in the early stages, but they are not a full-fledged drug.

Another answer to the question of how to treat mastopathy in women often causes women to be perplexed. People say, and doctors support this opinion, that the best treatment for mastopathy is the birth of a child and prolonged breastfeeding.