Mental Reflection

Our consciousness is a reflection of the external world. The modern person is able to fully and accurately reflect the world around him, unlike primitive people. With the development of human practice, consciousness is raised, which makes it possible to better reflect the surrounding reality.

Features and properties

The brain realizes the mental reflection of the objective world. The latter has an internal and external environment of his life. The first is reflected in the needs of the person, i.ะต. in the general sense, and the second - in sensual concepts and images.

Features of mental reflection:

Properties of mental reflection:

Characteristics of mental reflection

Mental processes originate in active activity, but on the other hand they are controlled by mental reflection. Before we do any action, we present it. It turns out that the mode of action is ahead of the action itself.

Mental phenomena exist against the background of human interaction with the surrounding world, but the mental is expressed not only as a process, but also as a result, that is, a certain fixed image. Images and concepts reflect a person's relationship to them, as well as to his life and activities. They induce the person to continuous interaction with the real world.

You already know that mental reflection is always subjective, that is, it is the experience, motive, emotions and knowledge of the subject. These internal conditions characterize the activity of the individual, and external causes act through internal conditions. This principle was formed by Rubinshtein.

Stages of mental reflection

  1. Sensory stage . It is expressed in your reaction only to biologically significant stimuli.
  2. Perceptual stage . A person is able to reflect a complex of stimuli in general. It all starts with a set of symptoms, with a response even to biologically neutral stimuli, which are signals of already vital factors.
  3. Intellectual stage . Each of us can reflect not only individual objects, but also the functioning of relationships and connections.
  4. Conscious stage . The decisive role is played only by the experience accumulated by man, and not by innate qualities (for example, thinking, sensation, imagination, etc.)