Buckwheat with minced meat in a multivark

Buckwheat perfectly serves as a side dish for various dishes, but it can also be prepared as an independent full-fledged dish. We suggest you make a buckwheat porridge with minced meat in a multivark. Everything is very simple, fast, and most importantly - tasty and affordable!

Recipe for buckwheat with minced meat in a multivark



Let's figure out how to cook buckwheat with minced meat in a multivark. The bulb is cleaned, washed and melenko shredded. Carrots rub on a large grandson. In the capacity of the multivarka pour a little oil, spread the prepared vegetables and pass them, setting the "Bake" mode. Then add the minced meat, mix thoroughly and stew for another 15-20 minutes on the same regime. In the process of frying minced meat, so that there are no lumps, and mix a wooden spatula. Without wasting time, we take buckwheat groats, sorted, washed several times with warm water and add to the stuffing. After that, add the right amount of boiled water, salt and pepper to taste. Thoroughly mix everything, close the lid of the device, install the program "Pilaf" and prepare buckwheat porridge with minced meat in the multivark until the sound signal.

Buckwheat with minced meat in the multi-barrel "Redmond"



So, first let's prepare the vegetables for refueling: onions and carrots are cleaned, cut with straw, or rubbed on the grandson. In the dishes of the multivark, pour a little oil and start the "Baking" mode for 30-40 minutes. Now pour out the sliced ​​vegetables and close the lid. After 10 minutes stir fry, stir, add minced meat, salt, pepper and, if desired, put cleaned chopped garlic.

Next, fill everything with tomato juice and cook until the end of the program. Buckwheat groats, several times washed under running water, drain the water and pour buckwheat into the multivark. Fill with clean boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3, pour a little more and close the lid. We exhibit the program "Buckwheat" and wait for the result. In the ready porridge, if desired, you can add a slice of butter.

Buckwheat porridge with minced meat and mushrooms in a multivariate



Buckwheat sorted and several times washed with cold water. Fresh or frozen mushrooms are processed, sliced. Peeled onions shred thin half rings, carrots rubbed on a grater and put vegetables in a bowl of vegetable oil, passeruya in the "Bake" mode for 10 minutes.

Next, lay out to fry the minced meat and cook for another 10 minutes, then sprinkle the crushed mushrooms, add grits, pour boiled water, salt, switch the device to the "Buckwheat" mode and detect about 30 minutes.

Buckwheat with minced meat in the multivarquet "Polaris"



Onions are cleaned, melenko shiny, and carrots rubbed on a grater. We wash the tomato, cut the cubes and put the prepared vegetables and minced meat into the multivark. Solim, season with spices to taste, close the lid of the appliance, select the "Bake" program and cook for 15 minutes. Then open the lid, mix everything to homogeneity, pour the washed buckwheat and set the "Plov" mode.