A salt-free diet for weight loss - menu

Salt is irreplaceable for our body. The components of its components, chlorine and sodium, depends on the state of the immune system, water and acid-base balance. Still from Cl depends the allocation of gastric juice, but in the life of modern man this spice too much.

Why is a salt-free diet useful?

The daily norm of sodium chloride is about 5-7 mg, it is not more than one teaspoonful. This rate can be obtained from the products themselves, without resorting to salting. To get rid of the salt accumulated in the body, it is necessary to limit its consumption. It became the norm for us to salt food, but because of this we cease to feel the true taste of food. This is one of the reasons for overeating!

As you know, the reason for the delay in the body of water is salt, it is the cause of edema, and they have a negative effect on appearance and health, therefore, to get rid of swelling and excess weight, you need to withdraw excess salt. This is what gives a salt-free diet for weight loss! After a few days with such a diet, you will begin to distinguish in the habitual food new tastes and eat only when you feel hunger. Nutrition without the addition of salt helps in the fight against cellulite. Another such diet is useful in hypertension, heart disease and venous expansion of veins. Refusal of salt improves and the work of the kidneys.

How to switch to a salt-free diet?

How fast you need to give up salt depends on you: you can do it quickly and suffer a few days until the taste buds begin to perceive this food more sensitively, and you can take salt out of the diet gradually to not notice it. After all, the whole point of the salt-free diet is the rejection of foods made with salt, and the time for which you force yourself to come to this, does not really matter. So that the food does not seem completely tasteless, do not forget to season the food with spices.

A salt-free diet - what can and can not be?

It is not advisable to buy ready-made frozen foods and semi-finished products in the store, it is better to take individual ingredients and spend a little time on a full-fledged preparation of a useful dish. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, berries and fruits (in addition to grapes and bananas), beef, fish and poultry. Kashi, rye bread, vegetable and mashed soups, sour-milk and low-fat dairy products, mushrooms and one egg a day are also included in what allows you to eat for a slimming salt-free diet. As with another diet, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids: water, diluted freshly squeezed juices and not sweet green.

What to replace salt with salt-free diet?

To prevent food from becoming fresh, you can add a variety of seasonings, citrus juice, garlic, various unrefined oils and wine. Soy sauce with a salt-free diet suitable for marinades and ready-made meals. A good ingredient will be and sea kale, although it can be and separately. With spices and you need to be more careful: they increase appetite, so if you want or need to lose weight, you need to control the amount eaten. When using seasoning mixtures, carefully study the composition, because salt can also enter there.

A salt-free diet for slimming Elena Malysheva

It is important to note that it does not enclose any tight restrictions on the diet of Malysheva's salt-free diet. The main condition is the alternation of carbohydrate and protein foods on days. That is: one day in the diet there are protein products and with a small amount of carbohydrates, and on the other day - vice versa. From the constant diet, you need to exclude only salt, alcohol and food with a high content of simple sugars, eat less fried and cook steamed food, baked or boiled.

Eat better often, but in small portions. The amount eaten per day is not fixed: everyone determines it for himself, in accordance with the way of life. The more active a person is, the more he moves, the more calories he needs to consume. A salt-free diet for weight loss will immediately lead to weight loss and improvement of well-being. This way you can lose up to 5 extra pounds in 10-14 days.

Japanese Salt Diet

This version of the system of weight loss is more rigid and is based on low-carbohydrate nutrition. Food is recommended to cook or cook for a couple, and the consumption of calories should be reduced to 800-1200 calories per day. You can not eat salt, sugar, marinades, fatty meat, alcohol, carbonated drinks, confectionery and butter products. Bread is allowed to eat any, but only dried. This diet is mainly designed for two weeks. It is important to drink a lot of pure still water - about 1.5 - 2 liters per day. Because of the table should be raised a slight sense of hunger - this requires a Japanese salt-free diet, the menu which can look like this:

Salt-free diet - harm

It is extremely not advisable to refuse salt in the heat: it is displayed in large quantities together with sweat. It is not recommended to abuse fresh food and those who are very active in sports. You need to gradually introduce a small amount of sea salt into your diet, when your salt-free diet ended, the consequences of a long abstinence from sodium chloride: health problems of the urino-genital organs, a violation of the sodium balance in the body. To get out of this diet is better gradually.