Diet on fruits - what kind of fruit can you eat on a diet?

To lose weight, saturate the body with useful substances and repel cravings for sweet, fit diet on the fruit. There are several methods of weight loss, based on a combination of allowed and low-calorie fruits with other products useful for the figure.

What kind of fruit can you eat on a diet?

Dieticians have long determined which foods can be included in their diet to lose weight. When forming the menu, it is recommended to pay attention to calorie content. Many people are wondering whether it is possible to lose weight on fruits, because they have fructose, but in fact it is much more useful than sugar. Scientists have identified a list of fruits that will help to lose weight:

  1. Grapefruit . The low-calorie fruit for a diet that contains substances that contribute to the breakdown of fats in the body.
  2. Pineapple . In this tropical fruit, there are substances that have a positive effect on the process of digestion and promote the breakdown of proteins and fats. Preserved pineapple does not concern this.
  3. The apple . Finding out what fruits help to lose weight, we can not help remembering apples that are loved by many, which are available at any time of the year. The best are green varieties.
  4. The orange . Useful citrus is rich in ascorbic acid and dietary fiber, so with it you can not only lose weight, but also strengthen immunity .
  5. Watermelon . In this berry a lot of water, so the caloric content of it is small. Watermelon is easy to digest and quickly eliminates hunger.
  6. Pomegranate . Scientists have proven that the constituent substances improve the performance of the stomach and the entire digestive system, which is important for weight loss.
  7. Kiwi . A well-known nutritionist Montignac asserts that if one eats one kiwi on an empty stomach, you can quickly get rid of excess weight. The food fibers included in the composition give saturation and purify the intestines.
  8. Mango . Exotic fruit is not only tasty, but also very useful. It has a laxative effect and improves metabolism .

Diet on fruits and yogurt

One of the most popular dietary protein products is kefir, but only low-fat options are needed, so the best drink is 5%. Fruits on a diet will help to cleanse the body and saturate it with nutrients. Diet on fruits and yogurt lasts 3 days. The menu is meager and includes only 1-2 liters of kefir and 1-1.5 kg of fruit. It is recommended to eat food every 2 hours. You can eat foods separately or prepare smoothies. For three days you can throw off 1.5-3 kg.

Diet on fruits and cottage cheese

Another popular technique to cope with obesity. In the composition of cottage cheese there is a protein that saturates the body and gives strength. Stick to this method of weight loss can be about a week. Curd should not be fatty varieties, so the best - 5-9%. Low-fat foods are prohibited. Fruits in the diet can be different, but it is better to choose sweet and sour options. In addition, it is allowed to drink green tea, herbal infusions and water. In the day you can eat 350 grams of cottage cheese and 800 g of fruit. In one meal combine cottage cheese and fruit, and even eat about 300 g of fruit separately.

Diet on fruits and water

The simplest and at the same time strict dietary option, since the body does not receive protein, so longer than a week to adhere to such a diet. In a day, you can consume 1-1.5 kg of fruit, not only in fresh, but also in cooked form. Divide the quantity into 4-6 steps. Prepare salads, stew and mashed potatoes. Finding out how to lose weight on fruit, it is worth noting that sweet fruits should be excluded: bananas, grapes, persimmons and figs. In addition, a day should drink up to 2.5 liters of water.

Diet on raw fruits and vegetables

A good combination is a combination of fresh vegetables and fruits, which have a huge amount of beneficial substances for the body. Many people can not sustain such a diet, considering it hungry. Some vegetables can be heat treated, but potatoes and beets are excluded. If you are interested in how to lose weight on vegetables and fruits, then you can stick to the diet for not more than a week, as an example, use this menu:

Diet on fruits and berries

In order to lose weight, choose fruits for the diet that are seasonal and affordable. Use berries and fruits to help lose weight, with low calorie. You can eat up to 1.5 kg of different fruits per day, and you can choose one product for each day, for example, you can focus on this sequence: 1.5 kg apples green, 1.5 kg strawberries (can be replaced apricot or plum) 1 kg of pear, 1.5 kg of cherry (you can replace the cherry or plum), a small melon. Before the start of the diet, it is recommended to spend the day of unloading on the water.

Diet on fruits and buckwheat

Observe the buckwheat diet is difficult, so you can supplement the porridge with fruits that will reduce cravings for sweets. Fruits can be eaten separately or supplemented with porridge, so add no more than 10 pieces. Use the list of what fruits you can lose weight, presented above. In the day you can eat 3 servings of porridge and about 1 kg of fruit. Do not forget to drink 1.5 liters of water a day. To adhere to a diet longer than two weeks it is impossible, and it can be repeated after 1,5-2 months.

Diet on fruits and oatmeal

Porridge, cooked from oatmeal, is the most popular dish among those who watch their figure or want to lose weight. Fruits during a diet will help to forget about the desire to eat something sweet. Be sure to drink a lot of oxen, and tea, but without sugar. To adhere to the presented diet on fruit longer than a week is not recommended:

Diet on fruit and eggs

To lose weight and at the same time give the body the necessary nutrients, it is recommended to follow a diet in which fruits and eggs are combined. The protein product is low-calorie, but at the same time it perfectly fights hunger and gives satiety. About what kind of fruit you need to eat to lose weight, it was said earlier, and their number per day should be up to 3 kg, and as for the eggs, they can not be more than 3 pieces. Diet can last no longer than two weeks.