High diastolic pressure - causes and treatment

The human heart first contracts, pushing blood into the blood vessels, and then relaxes, filling with oxygen-enriched blood. Pressure on the walls of the vessels at the time of "rest" and shows the lower value of blood pressure. The diastolic pressure value depends on the condition of small vessels. Their damage or lack of work significantly increases the likelihood of high diastolic pressure.

In an adult, a normal low pressure reading is considered within the range of 60-90 mm Hg. Art. depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. In elderly people, the elevated diastolic pressure can be considered to be above 105 mm Hg.

Causes of high diastolic pressure

Diastolic blood pressure is also called "cardiac", so the most common cause of its increased condition is considered to be cardiovascular problems, for example, heart disease or aortic valve pathology. Other reasons include:

How to reduce high diastolic pressure?

In order to quickly reduce the elevated diastolic pressure, you need:

  1. Put the patient face down.
  2. On the occipital part along the cervical vertebrae, attach pieces of ice wrapped in tissue.
  3. After about 30 minutes, thoroughly massage this area.
  4. To pinpoint the areas under the lobes of the ears, then draw an imaginary line from the earlobe to the middle of the clavicle with your finger. So you can repeat it many times until the tachycardia stops.

What to do with high diastolic pressure?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the root cause of the occurrence of high diastolic pressure. Then, depending on the cause of the appearance of pathology, deal with the elimination of the problem. Here is a list of measures to reduce diastolic blood pressure:

  1. Do not overeat, try to lose weight.
  2. Eliminate too salty, greasy and fried foods, include in the daily diet of dairy products, fruits, vegetables and seafood.
  3. Eat more liquid (preferably simple drinking water).
  4. Quit smoking and give up drinking alcohol.
  5. Do simple physical exercises, walk more in the fresh air.
  6. Apply for a massage.
  7. Take a contrast shower .
  8. Try to control emotions, avoid stressful situations, sleep.

Treatment of high diastolic pressure

Drugs that would only lower the lower pressure, practically does not exist. As a rule, treatment should be conducted in courses. In this case, appoint: