How to help her husband stop drinking?

In the family everyone helps each other. And often this concerns not some trifles, but rather serious questions. So if a husband starts drinking and this becomes a problem, then the wife should not sit idly by. We need active measures and decisive measures. So you need to know how to help your husband stop drinking, so as not to worsen the situation.

How do you teach your husband to drink alcohol?

If the situation is not critical, then you can try to do on your own. To her husband quit drinking, talk to your man calmly, but not cold. Show him in a low-keyed form all the emotions that you cause the situation. It is important to notice the signs at the very beginning: beer at the end of the day, every weekend alcohol. But here the most important thing is to persuade her husband to stop drinking without quarrels and scandals and here's how it can be done:

The main point is the last one. If you yourself like to drink a glass of wine at dinner and arrange a get-together of friends with alcohol, then do not even try to fix the husband. Give up alcohol and support it at all parties. So that her husband stops drinking, he needs good support and what he can do himself instead of alcohol. Start new family traditions, go in for sports, start repairs, fulfill all your old dreams.

Councils of Psychologists

If the husband drinks heavily and this does not stop for a long time, then it's worth thinking about professional help. But dragging forcibly to the doctor is not worth it. If the husband has started to drink, what to do - discuss with him. If just the parties turned into permanent binges, choose a good moment and by all the rules described above, arrange a serious conversation.

Psychological help is effective only when a person is ready to accept it. And therefore no best psychologist will help, if the man himself does not want it

Folk recipes

To the husband stopped drinking, it is often not enough just for psychological help. Alcohol poisons the body, causes addiction, destroys health. Therefore, it is worth considering additional help to your husband. In addition, psychologists have noticed that some medicines always give a sense of effective treatment.

Our grandmothers probably knew how to help her husband stop drinking. Here are a few simple recipes:

  1. Alcoholism is well helped by the herb of the gold-thousander. 2 tablespoons chopped dried grass pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, withstand 2 hours, strain and drink one third of the glass 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month. This broth causes a strong aversion to alcohol and is completely harmless to the patient - the best solution is how to wean your husband to drink vodka.
  2. In 250 grams of vodka, insist the root of the love and two bay leaves for 2 weeks. Let the drinking person drink a glass of this tincture. It causes severe disgust, vomiting.
  3. Mix 20 g of leaves of the hoof plant and 40 g of green peel of walnut fruit. Pour 1 glass of wine 1 tsp. mixture, insist 30 minutes and drink. For a month of treatment for alcoholism you need to drink 4 liters of this infusion of wine.

Medicinal products

In search of an answer to the question of what to do, if a husband drinks heavily, women often turn to traditional medicine. But such treatment necessarily involves constant consultations with therapists. A popular way to pour on the advice of some medicine in secret from the drinker is very dangerous. Side effects of drugs are many. And the effect may not be worth the risk.

Therefore, it is right to go through with her husband's examination, work out with the doctor a treatment plan. And most importantly, always remember the support that your husband will need.