Cashmere Gloves

Cashmere is an amazing material that is obtained from the delicate undercoat of Himalayan goats. Since the time of Napoleon, who first brought this fashion to Europe, cashmere is evidence of good taste and luxury. To this day, he is invariably at the top of all fashion trends.

Gloves of cashmere look great on elegant female hands. They can be equally well worn as with a sheepskin coat or a jacket, or with a fur coat. And for fashionable in this season of fur coats with a short sleeve ¾ it is impossible to come by the way long (high) cashmere gloves. They will securely and comfortably cover and warm your hands to the very elbow.

Proper care for cashmere gloves

Women's cashmere gloves require special care - then they will last you longer and maintain an ideal appearance. First of all, try to avoid frequent contact of cashmere with skin and metal. Do not wash gloves too often, and after washing do not need to iron them - cashmere perfectly straightens itself.

At the appearance of the spools, just remove them, and the gloves will become like new ones. If a stain appears in the process of wearing gloves, immediately soak it with cold water. Wash cashmere products must necessarily by hand.

When after the end of the season comes time to remove them, you need to observe some rules of storage. For example, before you put them in a closet, they should be washed and well dried. Keep them in a dry place - no moisture and damp.

To ensure that the gloves do not damage the moth, care should be taken to protect them reliably. For this perfectly well-known naphthalene tablets. If this method seems to be not suitable for you, try cedar balls or a special spray. Just do not spray the spray directly onto the gloves, but place the sprayed sheet next to the gloves in the cabinet.

Cashmere is best kept in the closet of their cedar. Moths are also well protected by natural ingredients like thyme, carnation sachet, cedar husks, orange peel (dried), rosemary, lavender. All of them have a sharp smell, because they repel the mole very well.