First aid for fractures

Today you will learn how to not only alleviate the pain, but, perhaps, save a person's life.

First aid for an open limb fracture

It includes the following activities:

  1. Ensuring maximum peace. It is necessary to lay the victim on a flat surface.
  2. If the bleeding is weak, apply a gauze bandage, a clean cloth flap, a handkerchief, etc. to the wound. and bandage the limb.
  3. If the bleeding is severe, then you need to stop it. Give the limb an elevated position and apply a tourniquet. As a tourniquet, you can use a belt, tie. Twist the limb with a tourniquet above the bleeding site (with venous bleeding below the wound). Be sure to record the time when you applied the tourniquet and then inform the doctor. The tourniquet can be applied no more than for 1,5 - 2 hours (after this time for a few minutes, loosen the tourniquet in order to avoid necrosis of the tissues).
  4. Overlapping of the tire (hard object for fixation, immobilization of the fracture site). The tire is bandaged, grabbing two joints surrounding the fracture site of the limb. In this case, the limb is given a physiological, usual position.

First aid with closed limb fracture

It includes the same actions as when it is open. But stop the bleeding (apply tourniquet) will not have to.

When providing first aid for a hip fracture, the overlapping tire should grasp three joints (hip, knee and ankle).

First aid for fracture of the spine

If you need to give it, give the patient an anesthetic drug at a high dose to prevent a pain shock (if the patient can swallow it). Then, fix the entire vertebrae with a hard base to prevent movement. Transport only on a hard board or on a soft base, but in a posture on the abdomen.

First aid for fracture of ribs

Implies the imposition of a pressure bandage on the chest. For this purpose, use, for example, a bandage or a towel. It is necessary that the patient makes a deep exit when tying the bandage.

You can take an analgesic. It is desirable to lay the injured person on the damaged side.

First aid for suspected fracture of pelvic bones

Fracture of the pelvic bones is often accompanied by damage to the internal organs. Includes anesthesia and transportation of the victim on an even hard surface in a "frog pose". Under the knees you need to put a roller, for example, out of clothes.

With a fracture of the upper or lower jaw, first aid is as follows:

With a broken nose, the first help is:

First first aid for fracture of the skull bones

Anesthesia (but not hypnotics) and the application of cold to the site of injury. The most dangerous with a fracture of the skull bones is a possible brain damage.

In the case of a fracture of the scapula, the first aid is as follows:

Take the victim's shoulder aside, put a pillow in the armpit and hang his hand on the scarf. Give an anesthetic.

Now you know the basics of first aid for various injuries. Let for you they remain only a theory!