How to store red caviar?

Red caviar is an indispensable attribute of any festive table, each self-respecting hostess considers it her duty to set a dish with sandwiches with red caviar. In addition to excellent taste qualities, red caviar also has a set of useful properties. So, in folk medicine it is believed that the use of red caviar has a beneficial effect on brain activity, vision and immunity. Also useful properties of red caviar extend to the work of the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of blood clots and improving blood circulation in small vessels. But such a useful and tasty delicacy is not shown to everyone, for example, people with hypertension, kidney disease and coronary heart disease have red caviar is not desirable. But allergy sufferers can eat it fearlessly. But that red caviar has gone to your body for good, you need to know how to correctly, where and how much you can store it.

How long can you store the red caviar?

Shelf life is indicated on the bank and depends on storage conditions. The maximum shelf life in a sealed package at a temperature of -4-6 ° C is 1 year. How much can you keep an open red caviar? No more than 1-2 days in the refrigerator. If you bought caviar in a tin can, then it must be moved to a glass container (food container) and tightly closed with a lid or food film. In an open pot you can not store caviar, it will quickly deteriorate from contact with air, and therefore the container into which you plan to place it should be chosen according to the volume of caviar, and not the one that got into your hand. Some housewives, in order to keep the caviar open a little more than 2 days, are advised to lightly sprinkle the surface with vegetable oil or put a few lemon slices on top. But if you want to keep the eggs longer, more serious preparation is needed.

How to store open red caviar?

When it comes to ensuring the safety of any perishable product, we immediately remember about freezers. It would seem that it might be better to freeze the product, and after six months get it from the freezer and get fresh food? In principle, everything is true, and this method is suitable for storing many products, but not for red caviar. The fact is that at too low temperatures the eggs break and stick together. Moreover, during the freezing part of the useful and taste qualities disappear. Although in fact, you can try this storage option, but only once. Re-freezing and subsequent defrosting will be disastrous for the caviar, you risk not getting a tasty and beautiful delicacy, but a strange kind of gruel with a vague taste. If you decide to store caviar in the freezer, you should lay your eggs in small containers to defrost immediately. Those who tried this method of storage, reported a good quality of caviar when stored in a freezer, but note that it can not be compared with a fresh product. Experts, however, unanimously assert that it is impossible to freeze caviar.

But how then to store caviar, is there really no other way? Do not be sad, there is a way. You need to take a glass jar and sterilize it. Next, we lubricate the walls of the jar with vegetable oil (preferably odorless, or even better olive). In the dish prepared in this way, we add caviar, and pour 2 tablespoons of oil on top. As a result, the caviar will be surrounded by a protective film of oil, which closes the access to air, and thus will not cause the caviar to deteriorate. Then we close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. This method allows you to store red caviar in the refrigerator for up to six months (some have turned out longer). Just be careful, from time to time check the state of the delicacy. And, of course, in no case should not eat spoiled caviar in food - one health, and at current prices, oh how expensive.