Constantly I want to sleep - what does the body want to say?

Many people complain that they always want to sleep, even if the right time is spent on a night's sleep. Moreover, this state, accompanied by a sense of inhibition, decreased ability to work, yawning and clumping of the eyes, can be observed not sporadically, but be present for several days or weeks.

Why do you always want to sleep?

Sleep - a physiological need of the body, without which he can not do. It is believed that an adult healthy person should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, for which the body has time to recover. And sleep should be full, i.e. the rules of hygiene of sleep should be observed: a comfortable bed, clean air with normal humidity and temperature, the absence of external stimuli, etc. If something interferes with a normal night's sleep, this explains why you always want to sleep during the day.

The situation should be guarded when a person, who needed 8 hours to get enough sleep, began to miss this time while maintaining the conditions for a full night's rest. Since sleep is dependent on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, its disturbances can be associated with various factors, so constant fatigue and drowsiness are also caused by a variety of reasons.

If weakness and drowsiness are felt, the reasons for this are physiological or pathological. Often, permanent drowsiness is provoked by the effect of one or more of the following physiological factors:

Pathological drowsiness of the cause is associated with a variety of somatic, mental and neurological diseases. At the same time, the complaint that one wants to sleep and weakness all the time can not be the only one, but is almost always combined with other pathological symptoms. We list the main ailments that can cause excessive sleepiness:

Drowsiness after eating causes

Often, daytime drowsiness is associated with eating, especially nourishing and abundant. When filling the stomach with food, blood circulation in the area of ​​digestive organs increases, which is required for their fruitful work on digesting food. Those. after a meal, the gastrointestinal tract becomes the most in need of blood supply to the site.

During active digestion, the brain experiences a small lack of oxygen due to the redistribution of blood flow and begins to work less intensively, as if switching to economy mode. Due to the reduction in the level of brain activity, people begin to sleep, there is a temporary weakness, which is a physiological phenomenon.

Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy?

Many women note increased drowsiness during pregnancy in the first trimester, and this is a normal reaction of the body to the changes in the body of the future mother of perestroika. First of all, this is due to a change in the level of hormones, many of which begin to be synthesized in larger quantities. In addition, the desire to take a nap during the day in pregnant women is caused by the increased emotional stress in connection with the impending life changes.

Some experts believe that women always want to sleep at the initial stages of bearing; this is a kind of protective reaction to all kinds of external stimuli. During the sleep period, energy is restored, which is spent more during pregnancy, so future mothers need to sleep at least 10 hours a night.

Why do you want to sleep during your period?

If you constantly want to sleep during menstruation, the reasons for this are related, again, with the change in the hormonal background. Many women begin to feel this symptom even a few days before menstruation, which may be one of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. In addition, physiological blood loss causes a small anemia, which provokes increased fatigue.

Drowsiness after stress

When you want to sleep all the time, the reasons can be related to the recently experienced strong nervous shock. Often, during the period of stressful factors, people suffer from insomnia, so after adjusting the situation the body requires rest and relaxation and more time for sleep. Stresses in which adrenal hormones are strongly excreted, act exhaustively, and then the level of these hormones in the blood decreases, causing a decline in strength.

Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy - causes

Sometimes drowsiness during the day warns of a serious illness that a person may not even suspect. This manifestation is often included in the complex of signs of asthenic syndrome, which develops in the initial phase of the disease either at its "height" and even during the recovery period. There is a syndrome due to psychophysiological exhaustion of the body, whose strength is directed at combating pathology. It is often possible to detect the disease only after a series of diagnostic measures.

What if I always want to sleep?

A person who constantly strongly wants to sleep, it is more difficult to cope with everyday duties, communicate with others, which provokes new problems. Therefore, one must always find the cause and, depending on it, determine how to get rid of sleepiness. For this it is recommended to go to the doctor. If any pathologies are not revealed, you should reconsider your lifestyle, diet, give up harmful habits. Observe the following rules:

Tablets from drowsiness

If no measures give the desired result, and still want to sleep all the time, the doctor can recommend medications that affect the activity of the brain, increasing physical endurance, stress resistance. These drugs include: