Dynamic gymnastics for kids

Often, young parents ask themselves: "Why are modern children so often sick? Why are they so often overtaken by diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and flat feet and scoliosis have become quite ordinary things? "The answer is simple: we try too hard to protect our beloved kids, tremble over them and thus only worsen the situation. What to do and how to improve the situation? The answer is simple - do not be afraid to engage in physical education with kids from an early age. One of the great opportunities is dynamic gymnastics for kids. It is used for children of any age - you can deal with it even with a newborn!

The use of dynamic gymnastics for newborns and infants

Dynamic gymnastics for kids is very effective in the following pathologies:

In addition to therapeutic, dynamic gymnastics can pursue and preventive goals. Through training you not only improve the motor skills and harden the baby, but also "communicate" with the help of touches. For a newborn and an infant this means more than a thousand words. Thus, your baby gets all the conditions for growing physically and psychologically healthy child.

Complex of dynamic exercises

The best time to start a dynamic gymnastics class is the second month of your baby's life. Before you start with a baby, make sure that your connection with him is pretty tight. The kid should not feel fear, discomfort. In turn, you must be confident in your actions, "feel" the movements and moods of your newborn or infants.

General rules of dynamic exercises for toddlers:

Download the full course of dynamic gymnastics for kids in pictures you can here.

Let us pass directly to the exercises.

Begin to establish contact with the child by means of touches. Stroke the baby so that he is used to it. Gradually, begin to cross the handles, bend the legs. Your movements and movements in dynamic gymnastics for newborns should merge into one. It is important that the amplitude of movements increases gradually, without unnecessary sharpness.

Prepare the baby for "hovering": do circular movements in the joints of the baby to warm up, then stretch the handles, legs. Put your index finger in the palm of your baby, so that it was easy for him to "grab it." Start stretching the handles. Do this every day until the child learns how to hold you tight and can stand on its own.

However, do not forget to consult a pediatrician before starting the session. Since dynamic charging is contraindicated for dysplasia or dislocation of the hip joint.