How correctly to separate herring?

Herring - tasty and affordable fish, which rarely appears on our tables as part of salads, snacks, or as an independent dish. Unfortunately, the fish cleared and preserved in the oil significantly loses in taste, so the priorities are still placed in favor of the whole fish, which can be divided independently. How quickly, but at the same time it is easy and beautiful to separate herring, we will tell in this article.

How to cut salted herring without bones?

Many inexperienced housewives do not get pieces of herring, but simple fish minced meat when cutting an entire fish. To prevent this from happening, and the pieces of fish retain their neat form and appetite, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the proposed methods.

The first method is the basis of all the bases, according to which any fish is fillet, not only herring. So, we take a whole fish carcass and, before we divide the herring on the fillet, we cut off the head. In the resulting abdominal opening we insert a knife, a blade to the lower wall of the abdomen, and we cut it down to the tail. Edible viscera, such as milk, add separately, and remove the rest and scrape off the blade of the knife. Rinse the fish with cold water and wipe dry with a napkin.

We remove the skin. Go to the removal of the spine, and then there are 2 options: in the first case you can safely hold a knife along the spine right through, the spine itself is thrown out, and the fillet is cleaned with tweezers. But much more convenient is the second method, for its implementation, slightly cut the backrest along the ridge and gently, with fingers separating the flesh from the bones moving from the back to the abdomen. The main thing here is to do everything in a hurry and then as a result you will get neat pieces of herring without a single bone.

How to cut a salted herring for a fur coat?

If it comes to preparing the herring as an ingredient for salads, when the whole fillet is not required, you can use the method much more original and quick. To begin with, as before: we cut off the head, remove the unnecessary entrails, and keep the necessary and edible, and then we carve the fish, cut the fins (except for the tail) and remove the skin.

The latter must be treated with particular severity, otherwise this way of cleaning will not work. When the fish body is already cleared of all excess, except bones, it remains to take the tail fin with both hands and twist the fish on itself.

Now, when the fin is twisted, we begin to raise our hands, tearing the herring in two halves: the dorsal and the ventral. We do this very slowly and carefully, so that the bones do not break off and do not remain on the abdomen. Now we have in our hands two halves of the abdominal part and a back with a skeleton of bones. From the back part of the ridge is removed elementary simply, exactly the same as we did last time: slightly cut with a knife along the ridge, and with the fingers carefully separating the flesh from the bones.

How to keep the herring?

To make herring is only half the job, but keeping the fillet for a long time is not the last thing. To fish does not spoil a long time, it must be preserved. As a preservative may be oil, vinegar, or citric acid, and as storage - a simple glass jar with ground lid. Here is one of the options for a simple marinade.



A glass of water is heated, add the vinegar, oil, salt and pepper peas. In a hot marinade, we dip the leaves of the laurel and leave it to cool completely. The pieces of herring are densely packed in a jar, poured with a cooled marinade and left to be stored in the refrigerator.

We liked our advice, then we recommend to study the articles on how to smoke fish and how to defrost the meat quickly .