Hiccups in newborns

With hiccups in the newborn probably every mother faced. This phenomenon is widespread, but many women who have become mothers for the first time, hiccups in a newborn child lead to confusion and can cause anxiety. To date, doctors can not answer unambiguously the question "Why does a newborn baby hiccup?". However, in most cases, hiccups in newborns are harmless and do not cause significant inconvenience to the baby.

Nevertheless, when the baby hiccups, every mom wants to help him somehow and stop the hiccough. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to determine the hiccup causing factor and to exclude it. The main causes of hiccups in newborns are the following:

On average, an attack of hiccups in newborns lasts about 10-15 minutes. However, if the newborn has a frequent and longer hiccup, then, probably, in his body, there are any violations. In some cases, prolonged hiccups in newborns can indicate lung inflammation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spinal cord injuries. Therefore, if a newborn has a frequent hiccough, which lasts more than 20 minutes, it should be shown to the doctor.

During hiccups in newborns, the diaphragm contraction occurs and a characteristic sound arises. In such moments, each mother wants to know the answer to the question "How to stop a hiccup in a newborn?". There are several ways to save the baby from this phenomenon, but as a rule, hiccups in newborns do not require special treatment.

How to save a newborn from hiccups?

  1. In most cases, hiccups in newborns are observed after feeding. This is due to the fact that the baby swallowed air. In order to stop the hiccup child should be vilified in the arms in an upright position, pressing it to him. This position contributes to a faster release of air from the child's body and the cessation of hiccoughs.
  2. With prolonged hiccup, the baby should be allowed to drink water from the bottle or attach to the chest. Water and mother's milk can stop hiccoughs in a short time.
  3. If the baby has cold hands during hiccough, then it must be quickly warmed. Often hiccups cause the child to be in a draft.
  4. To get rid of the baby from hiccups with him, you can quietly talk and remove from the field of vision exciting items. Also, the room should have a muffled light and no loud music. All these factors contribute to hiccups in the child.
  5. Some newborns begin to hiccup and cry at the sight of strangers. Parents should limit the circle of visitors or not show them the baby. Observe this rule is recommended for the first few months of the child's life.
  6. To stop hiccups in newborns, you can use lemon juice or a strong infusion of chamomile. A few drops of any of these liquids need to drip the baby under the tongue.

A child who often hiccups should in no case be overfed. Otherwise, this unpleasant phenomenon can become chronic. As a rule, by the year the hiccups become quite rare and cease to cause parents anxiety for their child.